Golden Chirper

Idles about.
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Battle For Azeroth
Patch 8.3.0 | Posted: January 14, 2020
Only level 120+ players that have unlocked the Rajani faction and World Quests in the updated Vale of Eternal Blossoms zone will be able to see this wild pet spawn.
Level 0:

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I found a rare S/S at 57, 48 on top of a very tall and small plateau. The raid assault was in the Vale. I've read it doesn't matter if it's the raid assault cycle or not, but I hadn't been able to find one in Vale while the raid assault was in Uldum.
Found my first one, a P/P one, as I flew through Tu Shen Burial Ground at 49.68 68.65, almost mistook one of the ancient Pandaren spirits for him. I was hitting the suggested macro and he popped up, I turned around, to fight a Faceless Tormentor as the Black Empire Assault was active. Found my second one, an H/H one, shortly afterwards on top of one of the statue mountains, near the Golden Pagoda, at 56.94 47.87... thanks so much for the Macro advice you guys...
Thanks for that post! Great info. One thing though. the wild pets you can get after doing that quest line are only the Voidskimmer, Golden Chirper and Voidglower. The ones from pandaria. I have not completed the quest line yet and I ahve the Void-Scarred Locust and the Oasis Void Duster.
It also appears you do not have to complete the entire line. The first time I went to Pandaria to meet Magni, the zone had already transformed to the "new" mode and I was able to get the pets
I got mine today (17.08.21) at the coords: 14.44 22.84, when a Black Empire assoult was active. It was a rare, HH bread. So I can 100% confirm the Mogu invasion is NOT needed. Also it seams that all the Chirpers do in fact spawn as rares :) Many thanks to the person, who posted the list of tomtom waypoints below! Happy hunting!
Don't be an idiot like me and fly arround for days wondering why you can't find any of these at the locations mentioned. It turns out that you must have unlocked the different phase of the zone introduced in patch 8.3.
That means you need to have done the quest line introducing you to the Visions of N'Zoth invasions to Uldum and Vale of Eternal Blossoms. If you have not done these quests, you will not be able to see any of the pets from that patch 8.3. There is a helpful guide here
For the drop pets from patch 8.3, you can get those from the Auction House.
For the Wild Pets you can only get after having done the questline mentioned above and taming the pets in a battle, those include:
Oasis Void-Duster
Void-Scarred Locust
Golden Chirper
Found mine in a corner today by Mogu'shan Palace. It was a rare and the primary pet. The mogu invasion was active. Coordinates were 77.51, 24.44. Use the targeting macro. There was no way i would have ever seen it. For whatever reason the little green paw never appeared on my mini map when i was flying over for this pet!
Thanks to the coords listed below I got a nice blue SS at /way 88.38 47.71 (as a primary) Thank you!
Thank you so so much Sandatharos... those waypoints were great!!! Got mine today on the third waypoint I tried @ /way 77.55 24.64 just as you said... and smashed my macro /tar golden chirper... woo hoo!! Mine all mine! <3
The invasion is NOT needed, however they are quite rare when it is not up. I only found one during the Mogu invasion atop a mountain near the middle as a main pet.
I found mine near the Golden Stair while the Black Empire assault was in force. It was also a rare (H/H) and the primary as others have mentioned. The Golden Chirper spawned with a couple of the normal zone wild pets as secondaries.
Found three so far, two H/H's and one P/P, still looking for S/S. All of them were around Mogushan Palace and ALL of them were of rare quality. It looks, like they, similarly to Eldritch Manafiend, spawns ONLY as rare's, in multiply breeds though ;). Happy hunting :))
I finally found one as a primary during the Mantid invasion today (on top of the hill near the Golden Pagoda, as others have mentioned). I was unable to find any during the Black Empire (major) assault last week, either as a primary or secondary, which makes me think it only spawns on minor assault weeks (Mantid+Mogu), though obviously I'm only one datapoint so actual mileage may vary.
So Is the correct invasion required for this one?
Found at 38.4,24.2
I found the golden chirper at 2 different coordinates in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms during the Mogu assault, BFA. Both were rare and easy to find as both were the primary pet. The coords are 27.65, 21.40 and 16.37, 76.06. Happy hunting!
Found at 16.37 76.22 on rise right beside wall, below meeting stone for Gate of Setting Sun.
Found at 56:47 on top of a tall mountain south of the golden pagoda. Nice looking pet was expecting it to be more golden given the name.
I can confirm I got it as a primary pet, at 57.15 47.61 at 1:10 am EST At the top of the giant rock.
I also found one as a main at 16.51, 76 near the flightpath. A rare!
Some TomTom waypoints for the spawns, posted on wowhead by Shenk2103. I found mine by flying to these points and smashing a traget macro.
/way 10.93, 67.53
/way 88.38 47.71
/way 55.11 41.24
/way 77.55 24.64
/way 14.44 22.84
/way 27.61 21.41
/way 56.99 47.65
I found mine as a primary right on the edge of the wall, near the serpent's spine flight path. I don't have coords turned on at the moment, but if you look at the flight point, its at the corner of the wall there. I believe there is only one up at a time in the whole zone. I flew around the entire zone for about 30 minutes with a /tar Golden Chirper macro.
Found as a primary pet near "The Golden Stair".