Glutted Bleeder

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Battle For Azeroth
Patch 8.0.1 | Posted: August 13, 2018
Level 0:

1-8 of 8
1-8 of 8

The non-combat version of these seem to VERY rarely appear in blue - perhaps one day the combat ones will as well??
If you happen across a Bleeder who you want to capture, before you kill anything in the battle, check the Bleeder's movelist.
If it has 'Burst' on the movebar, flee the battle and reengage. The moves will have shifted around, and eventually you will get to a point where 'Burst' is no longer there, and it can be captured.
After I found rare Bleeder, it killed itself, for sure. Don't forget what you may conside fight many times before Bleeder doesn't have Burst.
Iron Starlettes Powerball works well against this pet. Was able to nab a Rare as a primary pet in the trench around Heart of Darkness in Nazmir.
First fight with one comes up Rare, first move at 100% life it casts gotta be joking lol.
Only some have the Burst ability, others have Toxic Skin.
Confirming that they are available as a primary pet near the entrance to Uldir.
Actually, these can be found as the primary pet right around Uldir; they don't always have to be found as adds.