Fire Beetle

Looks around and Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

1-8 of 8
1-8 of 8

My favorite beetle, I love this colors!
This is a great pet to capture on the way if you are leveling your first team to 25.
This beetle helped me capture a rare lvl 17 robo cub in winterspring. Its fire attack was amazing against the mechanical, and with cauterize it bounced back from the cubs huge hits. What was amazing is that the beetle helped capture it solo being only lvl 15, and ended with more than half its hp left. It is identical in stats to the lava beetle, if adjusted for level.Â
Their scorched earth weather ability causes them to take damage every turn, so your rare could suicide before you capture it. If the beetle uses this attack just change pets and soak the beetle's attack but don't attack back and let the beetle bring it's own health down into the capturing range.
The Lava Beetle is better with same abilites and same skin:Â
This is wonderful for power-leveling lowbies.
They have an attack that causes them to take damage so be careful when trying to capture.
Found a ton just wandering around the edge of the cauldron.