
Crawls about, waving antennae.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

1-12 of 12
1-12 of 12

Am I the only one having a very hard time finding that Cockroach in Durotar? I know it's under the guard tower, but of all the times I've been there, I've never actually seen it. I've marked myself there a couple hours just leveling lowbies on the creepy crawlers that spawn there, and nothing.
I trapped a lvl 15 common cockroach with 966 Health, 116 power & 140 speed.
I couldn't find the breed listed here in the battle info tab.
Would someone please help me figure out why it isn't listed?
Ewwww a cockroach with almost "3 stars".
Fly around Sindragosa's Fall in Icecrown and target Scourged Whelplings. Each one comes with two Cockroaches as secondary pets to battle. Although there are only about a dozen of the Scourged Whelplings flying around (and respawn is a little slow), in the battles I had three rare Cockroaches turned up. Don't know if this is common, but thought it was worth a mention to anyone who might be looking for a good opportunity to capture a high level Cockroach.
Roaches are great specialists against the legendaries that can outheal or outdamage most teams. Â Armegeddon and switch to mechanical or undead for survivability and depending on opponent and as long as your roach survives 15 rounds you win!
I seldom use roaches in any other capacity because their other skills are done better by many other pets.
There is also a level 1-2 cockroach in Durotar right by/under the tower northwest of Razor Hill (where the Darkspear Rebellion Quartermaster is).
Can also be found as a primary & secondary in the Wetlands, either northwest of the Greenwarden's Grove amongst the Tiny Bog Beasts or east of Greenwarden's Grove.
I had some difficulty at first finding the cockroahces in Icecrown as well, but there are tons of them. They seem to spawn in a very spread out manner. The best method I've found is to fly around the main "horseshoe" shaped area along the edges where the ice cracks apart against the mountains. By the time you do a full lap of the outer and inner edges of the horseshoe, the ones where you started will have respawned already. Visit Ymirheim and the Nerubian place if they get too thinned out.
Cakebaker was asking about Cockroaches in Icecrown.Sorry to inform the other posters but the Hinterlands is not in Northrend so their postings are useless.I also can't seem to find any Cockroaches in Icecrown,yet.I too am trying to find these for the Achievement.
Found the cockroaches at Ymirheim.I hope this Helps.
I want the northrend tamer achievement and only have Icecrown left on my list. However, I cant seem to get my hands on a Scourged Whelpling, so I'm trying to find a cockroach from Icecrown but they seem so few and far between.
There are a bunch of Cockroaches in The Hinterlands in Jintha'Alor. Some are in odd areas that obstruct the battle, but I was able to get mine here.
Found my cockroach in Hinterlands. Â Didn't see any roaming around, but were the second when battling hares and jade oozelings. Â If you see one appear as a second go ahead and grab it. Â Marmots, hares and oozelings are plentiful, but couldn't find any lone cockroaches myself.