Pint-Sized Pink Pachyderm

Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Stands on hind legs and trumpets (bubbles blow from trunk).
Drinking sound (on summon); pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (periodic and on click)
World Event: Brewfest
Vendor: Belbi Quikswitch
Zone: Dun Morogh
Vendor: Blix Fixwidget
Zone: Durotar

Pint-Sized Pink Pachyderm
Item Level 20
Binds when picked up
Use: Right Click to summon and dismiss your Pint-Sized Pink Pachyderm.
Right Click to summon and dismiss a pint-sized pink pachyderm.
As a part of the Pint-Sized Pink Pachyderm's summoning animation, its owner will chug from a drinking stein. This is one of two pets (the other being the Wolpertinger) that are only visible to the player and to members of the player's party. Non-party members can also see this pet when "completely smashed."
Requires 100 Brewfest Prize Tokens. Tokens may be earned by doing various Brewfest quests and dailies.

This little guy is so cute <3 He can one shot almost anything, not just critters, but I wish he had some healing abilities.
Great pet <3
got mine today , cant wait to level him :)
Thought I would leave my testing results here.
I leveled this little cutie to 25 and sent him after Little Oondasta.
Nordrassil Whisp started the fight with Flash and then I switched to the pinky... this little elephant just "soloed" Little Oondasta o.O
Trample was all I needed to get him down. Now I love him even more lol
This is probably one of the reasons Blizzard renamed this pet from Elekk to Pacheydrem.
I would hazard a guess that that's because of the whole "other people not in your party can't see it unless they're drunk" thing, a quality this pet shares with the Wolpertinger. Does the Wolpertinger give that error message with grooming/balls/leashes? (not high enough level to get to Dalaran to check for myself, sigh)
Edit: Tried it recently (having leveled up a bit) and can say that they fixed whatever the problem was, both this lil cutie and Das Wolpertinger play fetch! ^_^
"Spell cannot be cast on a stealthed target"
Doesn't look so stealthed to me ;P
Edit: I have some ideas for an icon for the Brewfest tab;
1. a Tankard with eyes on it
2. a circle with eyes peeking out of a Tankard
3. A circle with a Brewfest hat and Swirly eyes (because both pets are Hallucinations)
If you save up 350 tokens during Brewfest (and previous year currency can be used if you go to a specific vendor to change it) you can buy the 3 piece costume needed for the achievement, sell it back with 2 hours so you can spend 200 on Brewfest Club membership, 100 on this pet with 50 spare for whatever you want!
One other thing of note.. "Pint-sized"... BAH! It's bigger than my gnome! "Pint-sized" I tell you... should be able to mount it as a gnome imho. *grumble*
On a side note, if you are doing the brewfest quests with the 3-piece outfit, you can sell the pieces back once you complete the achievement and buy this pet.