Gleamhoof Fawn

Idles about and occasionally playfully jumps about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 7.0.3 | Posted: August 2, 2016
This wild pet is usually found near its larger adult counterparts, Gleamhoof Stag and Gleamhoof Doe.

1-13 of 13
1-13 of 13

P/P heals are great as the backline healer.
Am I the only one who felt guilty breaking up the family of deer just to collect one for myself?
Right click these to start a battle with them. I had to take off my weapon in order to not kill them when I got mine. Sort of annoying and buggy.
The best option i've found to interact with them, is via the keybind option that you need to activate since it usally inactive.
The path to do that is
Esc > Key bindings > Targeting > Interact with Target
> "Add the keybind you want" > You just need to target the "Gleamhoof Fawn" and press the new activated keybind and the battlepet battle will start
Had a hard time trying to get one of these today. I don't know if this is a wow bug or something, but I could not quite get to battle it at first. I double clicked the left mouse button and quickly right clicked, that seemed to do the trick, verified it has worked and now got my Uncommon Gleamhoof Fawn. I will stone it later to give it rare quality. Now to pick a name ;)
Got mine today in Val'sharah around 54,71.
I caputred this pet today. It is P/P breed and I believe this is the first fawn that comes in a P/P breed.
While they are not interactable to attack, if you click on them as you would a battle pet (right click) you're able to battle them normally.
Also, these sometimes spawn in groups of two and three. If they do, and you leave one of the group up, then when the second (or second and third) respawn (taking a couple minutes or so), they will *always* respawn as battle pets, thus allowing for constant grinding of them until you get your rare fawn.
I got a blue p/p at Loriathail as I landed. There were a bunch in the area to be tamed.
How are you guys able to fight these?I can't interac with them at all.Has been like this since beta and now you're saying you got one?
What am I missing?
Very first pet battle in Legion, landed at Loriathil. Little guy was standing next to the flight point. Blue P/B. Nice way to start battling in Legion.
I agree. I refuse to share ALL MINE. I just want like a zillion of these
This is mine. All of them. I'm not sharing. *squees*