Gazelle Fawn

Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

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While not emposing looking at all, having the ability to heal every pet, and a 5 round hot could make this pet useable vs undead. The only thing that could make it better would be Flurry.
@Berenzen, There are 2 colors of Gazelle critters, but only one color will spawn as a Gazelle Fawn battle pet. So only the red is available to capture.
After battling critters all day long, got 2 uncommon Gazelle Fawns and 1 rare Gazelle Fawn in a row right around 37,70 in Mulgore.
I farmed gazelle fawns for more than an hour tonight. I lost count after 70 fights, but finally got a rare around 54,40 (NW of the mine).
Teths post from 13-Nov-12 states that there is a 'black & white' version of this pet, but is uncapturable. Â So can anyone confirm, only the 'red' version is available to players?
Caught an uncommon a while back and went to get a rare today. Got it in about 15 mins of engaging, disengaging and moving onto the next spawn point. Started at the Great Gate, followed the spawn points south and west, then north-west. Â Got my rare (level 2, breed B/B) at 34, 45. Almost killed it because it's so low level and I have a team with levels 5, 5, and 6. I'm really glad it has a HOT and healed itself before my last attack (which would have killed it if not for the heal).
Spent almost 2 hours flying around Mulgore and battling every fawn I found. Â After about 70 battles I started keeping track. Â It was 9 poors, 5 commmons, and 5 uncommons before I finally got a rare. Â
Incredible luck on my end... First Gazelle Fawn I engaged was a rare. I captured it JUST as a horde hunter popped me out of battle. He killed me, but I got my rare Fawn!
17 gazelle fawn's later.... I finally got a rare!
I love mine so much  -  the first rare hunting I did was for one of these guys. I use it all the time against the Thundering pandaren spirit!
Rare on my third try, woot!
Gazelle Fawn is surprisingly strong in PvE battles, with the HOT that persists through swaps plus a team heal (and the high speed means you will usually go first). She is very strong against undead, and a good pet for leveling lower-level pets. And the HOT is nice when your traps miss several times in a row...
I got extremely lucky. First battle was a rare. Right next to the lake by Bloodhoof Village. Â
Really adorable pet. Â I have seen tons of spawns of these at all times of the day on Gorefiend (US) on all sides of Bloodhoof Village in the open grasslands area and all around the SE and SW sides of Thunderbluff. Â Very easy catch. Â My 7th gazelle was a rare.
OK, "Gazelle Fawn" CANÂ be captured - "Gazelle" turns up as the extra, and cannot be captured, which is a shame as there are two different colours, a tan striped one and a black& white one, I spent ages trying to get one of each before I realised thay were un-capturable :(
gazelle fawns are all over mulgore but I battled a gazelle, not a fawn in south barrens that was not captureable. Hope this helps
just found 1 of these while cpturing a giraffe calf
This will probably be the first critter I get around to levelling; I think it's one of the most beautiful pets out there.Â
As mentioned below, this cannot be captured, even though someone posted the bug has been fixed and these don't show up in battle, I get them all the time, so make sure "FAWN" is in the name, otherwise don't waste the time if you can help it
This cutie can be captured in Mulgore, the zone surrounding Thunder Bluff. Â I roamed around for less than 10min and must have found a half-dozen of them.
This one "Gazelle Fawn" is capturable. I've noticed during a few Barrens battles a "Gazelle" enters as another opponent which is not capturable.