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Mulgore Hatchling

Pets by Family Critter Birds Mulgore Hatchling
Mulgore Hatchling
Mulgore Hatchling
Rating: 3.03 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 3.03 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 3.03 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 3.03 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 3.03 / 5 — Rate it below
3.03 755 votes
Rating: 2.67 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 2.67 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 2.67 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 2.67 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 2.67 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 2.67 / 5 — Rate it below
2.67 375 votes

Vendor: Doru Thunderhorn

Zone: Icecrown

Cost: 40Champion's Seal (unlimited supply)

Mulgore Hatchling
Mulgore Hatchling
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
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Horde Horde (tauren)

Runs or walks around in a random pattern and preens feathers.
» YouTubeVideo

Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)

Wrath of the Lich King expansion required.
3 allowed
Wrath of the Lich King
Patch 3.1.1 | Posted: April 19, 2009

Vendor: Doru Thunderhorn (Horde)

Zone: Icecrown

Cost: 40Champion's Seal (unlimited supply)

Mulgore Hatchling

Mulgore Hatchling

Item Level 1

Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Right Click to summon and dismiss your Mulgore hatchling.

Players can participate in the Argent Tournament, a permanent event in northeastern Icecrown, to earn Champion's Seals. A representative of each race sells a race-specific pet. Horde characters may purchase this and other horde-based Argent Tournament pets once they have successfully "championed" that race's cause through various quests. Alliance characters may purchase this pet through a neutral auction house and on occasion through their own auction house.

Level 0: Health 0Power 0Speed 0
Requires Pet Level: 1

100% Hit Chance 


Bites at the enemy, dealing 394 Beast damage.

Vs. Critter

Vs. Flying
Requires Pet Level: 10

100% Hit Chance 


Pokes at the enemy with a sharp beak, dealing 394 Flying damage.

Vs. Aquatic

Vs. Dragonkin
Requires Pet Level: 2

Reduces up to 98.5 damage from each attack against you.


Lasts 5 rounds.

Requires Pet Level: 15

100% Hit Chance 


Deals 197 Critter damage and increases your speed by 75% for 3 rounds.

Vs. Undead

Vs. Humanoid
Requires Pet Level: 4

100% Hit Chance 


Tramples the target, dealing 197 Beast damage plus an additional 10% of the target's health.

Vs. Critter

Vs. Flying
8 Round Cooldown
Requires Pet Level: 20

The user feigns death, avoiding the opponent's attack. The user then swaps automatically with your highest health pet.



Critters are immune to stun, root, and sleep effects.


Damage Taken 

50% from Beast abilities

33% from Elemental abilities

Icecrown — Northrend
1-10 of 10
Rating: 0   [Report]

A really inconsitent set of abilities give him no real place in the battle arena. 

Nov 10, 2014 at 4:19pm | Edits: 0 | Silvermoon-us | Pets: 632 Compare collections | Score: 2840
Rating: 0   [Report]

I love this guy but he is always messing up my dungeons as people see him dash off and think it is the tank! LOL  Love him anyway!  I have the matching mount and just made a hunter so I can get a matching pet!

Aug 19, 2014 at 7:16am | Edits: 0 | Antonidas-us | Pets: 914 Compare collections | Score: 5171
Rating: 0   [Report]

One of my favorites, I use this little guy on my hunter with the matching full-size pet. (And of COURSE the mount for the trifecta.)


Being a male blood elf, I had to name the big one Fabulous, and the minipet Fabulous Jr.

Jun 19, 2013 at 11:29am | Edits: 0 | Hyjal-us | Pets: 1130 Compare collections | Score: 8952
Rating: +1   [Report]
For those who like to match mounts with minipets, don't forget to save up 270 Love Tokens for your Swift Lovebird. Hunters can go for the trifecta!
Feb 5, 2012 at 6:24pm | Edits: 0 | Quel'dorei-us | Pets: 196 Compare collections | Score: 849
Rating: -1   [Report]
Cant help but think lawn ordainment when I see this thing, haha.
Jun 14, 2011 at 4:56am | Edits: 0 | Steamwheedle Cartel-us | Pets: 436 Compare collections | Score: 1918
Top RaterAutomne 
Rating: +1   [Report]
This pet is the coolest ever. He sprints around while your immobile.He also drops form the satchel obtained after completing a heroic call to arms. I bought it from the alliance auction house for 6500 g. I really love him <3
Jun 5, 2011 at 11:28pm | Edits: 0 | Darkspear-us | Pets: 320 Compare collections | Score: 1493
Top RaterLugia 
Rating: -1   [Report]
Want to trade for this on bronzebeard server I have Dun Morogh Cub or Teldrassil Sproutling but can buy any. Looking for Durotar Scorpion and Tirisfal Batling as well.
Jan 9, 2011 at 12:27pm | Edits: 1 | Silvermoon-eu | Pets: 729 Compare collections | Score: 3747
Rating: +1   [Report]
My hunter has the combat-pet version of this adorable pink bird. But sadly, giant pink flamingos aren't very good in raids so for raiding, I have a wolf (boring!). But with this pet, my hunter can always have her fine feathered friend with her, even while raiding!
Apr 1, 2010 at 10:57pm | Edits: 0 | Ghostlands-us | Pets: 349 Compare collections | Score: 1737
Rating: +6   [Report]
I think we all know what this pet really is.....

....a portable lawn flamingo!
Sep 30, 2009 at 1:35am | Edits: 1 | Echo Isles-us | Pets: 605 Compare collections | Score: 2790
Site MVPGuinavere 
Rating: +5   [Report]
A sweet little pet, his animation special is to race off at break-neck speed normally towards a group of mobs which manages to scare me half to death every time it does it! (Probably just a knee-jerk reaction from a hunter that has learned the hard way to remember to take her pet off aggresive when entering an dungeon).
Sep 27, 2009 at 9:26am | Edits: 0 | Emerald Dream-eu | Pets: 1336 Compare collections | Score: 10577
1-10 of 10

A tallstrider's speed on open ground is unrivaled, so predators rely on stealth and pack tactics when hunting them.
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