Thunderfoot Calf

Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (periodic)
3 allowed
Patch 10.0.0 | Posted: November 28, 2022
Level 0:

1-6 of 6
1-6 of 6

Feeling so bad. Had to kill the babies over and over again waiting for the rare quality one to spawn :-( Why, Blizzard?
I found standing on the ledge the calf is on, behind the calf if you can, then facing the entrance of the cave will give you a clear battle area. After you kill the matriarch. She gets testy when you mess with her kids. ;)
Can easily get obstucted pet battle error remember that the computer sense where you are facing so simply face a clear area move your camera and try a few times.
I really wish they'd test the terrain in their pet battle spawn areas. :( I had to kill it so it would respawn because it was "obstructed" or too uneven to battle.
Spawns in the cave behind the Thunderous Matriarch. I got there while she was gone. :) They spawn about every 90 seconds. I'll probably die on my way out.................................................
Yup, she'll come into the cave after you.
spawns in a cave (coordinates: 45.78, 35.29) behind a rare (maybe not up all the time)
as far as I could tell there was only ever one, but it respawns rather quickly (I accidentally killed the first one I saw :') )