Stunted Shardhorn

Looks around and Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Can be found near Shardhorn Rhinos which spawn north of Nesingwary Base Camp.
Level 0:

Hi All. This is one bad animal! Fierce to the skin! I'm making him a fav. I have 3 rare ones now!!! Got them out in the open as well. they are now lvl 21 (2) and 23.
Happy Gaming!
ABSOLUTELY use the steps below by Jennsmash; when I landed to find a Stunted; there were only two and both were in trees. Â I followed the steps listed and the first one was "pet battle area obstructed" but the second worked. Â It is a H/H Common, I am happy to have one...they look fierce!!! Â I will stone it to!
Found a rare at 31, 46 near Nessingwary Camp. It was not in a tree, out in the open walking toward a tree, and I had no difficulty targeting or engaging it.
Interact trick is a big improvement over my old plan of just shooting them and waiting for respawn, but they seem a bit bugged right now. I am assuming it is just because of the new WoD patch, but almost every one I fight is an uncommon H/H this morning with a grey frog and an uncommon snake as secondaries. Seriously, out of maybe 30 battles, there have only been about 3 that were different and the Shardhorns were all grey in those.
Decent pet with high power, but really hurting from the lack of a good second slot move.
Indeed, those spawns inside trees that normally trigger the "Pet Battle Area Obstructed" message can be brought into battle by first /tar Stunt, and then spamming the key bound to "Interact with Target" while moving about to reposition your character. To bind "Interact with Target" to a key, hit Esc to bring up the Options menu, go to Key Bindings, scroll down to Targeting Functions, and then asign a key to "Interact with target". Â
I think that they think they are part monkey or something because of how many I have found in trees so far. The target trick and the interact with target keybinding does work well :) Thank you for sharing that trick.
Used the interact trick to fight one in a tree, it was a common but it was also a P/P so a battle stone will be used on this beast!
Found my rare today - took about 8-9 fights. Â Still found some glitched in trees.
It took about 10 battles to find a P/P rare, however there were many spawns and no competition. Found at approx 24.3, 57.2, Server - Draenor EU. There were about three I found that were glitching in trees. From what I have read online on various pet battle blogs the rare P/P Stunted Shardhorn is one of the preferred pets from the beast family for PvP pet battles.Â
I find rare in P/P breed at first timeÂ
I've been here now for over half an hour and haven't seen the first one yet..
Ha.. I take this back.. been camping.. In the last 2 hours today I have seen one and someone beat me to it.. There so much be a trick I'm missing
Went hutning for these guys today. Every Shardhorn I saw  was glitched in a tree! It was extremely annoying. Finally found one I could fight. Was just common quality.Â
Have engaged over 100 of these still no rare, ugh!!
TY TY TY! The interaction button and targeting worked! Got my Rare in the second one stuck in a tree!
Yahoo! Guildmate told me some had spawned, so I headed that way ASAP! First one (not in a tree) was common, there were two others also out of trees, I battled one, and it was a rare! I also tried a theory on one that was stuck in a tree that I read about somewhere. Use a targeting macro /tar stunted shardhorn and then once it's targetted, use the keybinding option for interacting with target. I had to circle the tree several times, but it eventually started the battle. Good luck!
Found I had to kill the Shardhorn Rhino's because the ground shaking makes me dizzy when pet battling... sigh
Still trying for a rare. Â Pet stuck in a tree bug seems quite common.
Sometimes one just gets lucky. I touched down here for the first time, saw the paw print, hovered over it, recognized that it was a pet I didn't have, trotted over, clicked on it and found it to be a rare and captured it. I suppose if they were all that easy, I would get bored! But I won't complain about this one!
Thank you Kayem!
I had to repost this, it really helps.
1. Keybind "Interact with target" to an unused key
2. Get near the trunk, write "/tar stunted"
3. Use the "Interact with target" bound key
The suggestion you left for ones stuck in trees worked like a charm! I found my rare stuck in a tree. All though they can be found unstuck as well, I have seen two more stuck in trees in the last 5 minutes.
I don't get it: there are 2 breed only, both have only 211 speed, yet, they have Horn Attack who says it have a 50% chance to make the other lose their turn IF the user is faster, but at only 211, that means only a very few pet will be slower...