Pale Baby Vorquin

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click and periodic)
3 allowed
Patch 10.0.0 | Posted: November 28, 2022
Interacting with the Magical Creature Manual at Camp Antonidas will grant the Sight of Elusive Vorquin buff, which allows players to see wild Pale Baby Vorquins.

1-6 of 6
1-6 of 6

After clicking the book, new pets appeared on my mini map. I battled several different pale baby vorquins in the general area of Camp A, including some a little way down the road (so they're not only in the camp). I only saw gray quality pets during the first five minute buff. I did batle and kill the gray PBVs. Once the first buff wore off, I immeidately clicked the book again and multiple new PBV spwaned. The first one I clicked that round was blue quality.
the book you need is on the floor and will have the gear wheel to click on it. Found it pops up a few of the vorquin all around the area. ended up battling 2 of them one was a poor the other was a uncommon. ran out of time to see if i could find a rare.
There isn't even a book there for me. I did a /reload still not there. I quit the game and started it again, still no book.
The book is clickable right away, if you aren't able to click on it /reload to do it again.
The book is someimes clickable right away, otherwise you only need to wait a couple of minutes.
I found this on wowhead from a user called DragonsAfterDark:
"To see the Pale Baby Vorquins you need to head to Camp Antonidas, then click on a book called the Magical Creature Manual in the pavilion at /way #2024 45.86, 38.30 Magical Creature Manual (Pale Baby Vorquin)
Once you click on it, you'll get a 5-minute buff called Sight of Elusive Vorquin.
The book became unclickable for my character, so there appears to be a CD on it."
That worked for me.