Mister Muskoxeles

Mister Muskoxeles
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (periodic)
1 allowed
Patch 10.2.7 | Posted: August 26, 2024
This pet is rewarded and added directly to your Pet Journal when your character completes the "Good Things Come in Small Packages" achievement. To complete this achievement, your character must possess at least 1800 unique vanity pets.
1-7 of 7
1-7 of 7

1800? 1800!
I got all excited hitting 1600 a couple of weeks ago. Thrall's balls, that's a lot!
This was originally the reward for collecting unique 2000 pets; that achievement was removed because it was impossible at the time (as of the time writing this, it still is). Eventually the achievement was re-introduced but only requiring 1800 pets, which is difficult but still possible.
He now shows up in the pet journal if you search for him :)
well i got the pet, althought the achiv is nowere to be found ...so i guess another achiv bugg for this expension
I wasn't able to figure out how to get the pet in my Rematch leveling queue but I was able to summons him using /summonpet Mister Muskoxeles and then upgrade him using Flawless Battle-Training Stones.
It can also be summoned using "/summonpet Mister Muskoxeles" if you don't have the icon from the reward notification and if it does not show up in your pet jopurnal in game. Hopefully this is remedied soon.
When I earned this I was unable to find it in my pet journal or under achievements. The only way to summon this pet right now is to drag pet icon that appears when you get notified to your action bar.