Giraffe Calf

Shakes head and idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Can be found with groups of roaming Dusthoof Giraffe.
Level 0:

I just ran into a random B/B Rare one of these today in the Barrens. It's pretty beast by default at level 10, solo killing equal level 2 mob groups in the area. Going to add it to my favorites as a backup healer for my H/B Little Fawn.
Pigfat 2/19/2025
I always thought these lil guys came out in the mornings only. While doing exploring achievements decided to hop down and fly around, found one with a pair of Barrens Giraffes at 6:50pm PST US-Suramar around 46, 84
I love this pet, i called mine Escape Vehicle, because as far as i know, this is the largest battle pet you can have.
It is almost as tall as my Undead and with a cookie it just looks bizarre :)
Almost as if i walk around with a mount, instead of sitting on its back.
I think thats pretty hilarious.
As a battle pet it isnt very special, aside from being a Beast that can heal itself and the team on demand.
I found Twin orphans walking around Fields of Blood today. They climbed the mountain and circled around (no parents around to tell them giraffes don't climb mountains) Then another by Battlescar, Horde side and another at Firepoint, all the way south.Â
The blue Rare still eludes me :\
(6pm PST- Dragonblight)
Just got mine today
I think the local Lions kill the moms... I found mine wandering by itself.
Got it in the morning (0530 server time), between the realm restart and the server restart. As soon as the battle was over the server restarted. Got him just in time! He was tagging along with the adult giraffes.
Got mine at 42.57, 85.17 (directly west of Bael Modan), was searching the zone over, and found this one with a group of adaults! Poor quality, but last one I needed for the Kalimdor Safari!
Since patch 6.2, the spawn pattern has changed. Â I have seen 2 Giraffe Calves spawn now with no adult Giraffes nearby. Â (I was fighting other pets in the area when they spawned, so I know it wasn't a case of a Calf leftover after the adult died.) Â It seems to be that any of the battle pet spawns in the appropriate areas has a chance to be a Giraffe Calf.
I noticed right away these little guys hang out with the Barrens Giraffe. I found it much easier with them to make a macro /target Barrens Giraffe and spam it as I flew around. When you target a group of them you'll most likely find a calf running alongside! :D
I followed someone's excellent advice about creating a DK on a low population Role Playing server. Leveled her to 60 so she could fly. It took a little time investment, but is paying off beautifully for pets such as this one and others as well (Minfernal, etc). The pets are just sitting there waiting for you to scoop 'em up!
Looked in the afternoon/evening found nothing. At 8:06am saw 3 Barren Giraffes/2 calfs (poor/BB) in the group (wowhead indicates Barren Giraffes are found in Northen Barrens...this is not correct as these were in Southern Barrens) "wandering" from the north side of Desolation Hold (40,67) to the Horde defense barricades at Battlescar (44,66). 15 mins after captuing these other calfs spawned. Found a solo calf at 46, 66 at 08:26 (poor/BB). These may only spawn in morning.
Just got one at 43,43 (ish) 12:40 server time.
i dont know if it was luck or random but i killed all the giraffes i saw in the area, and not long after doing that around the vendetta height area, I got one. Â Poor quality, but i'll just buy a rare upgrade for it. :D
Got one at 10 pm. This was my great white whale. I had been looking for one for at least 6 months. Got my Unborn Val'kyr in like 2 or 3 days, but this damned thing was so elusive.
Saw 2, at night, one with a lone giraffe and the other was all by himself.Â
Couldn't find any on Bladefist, relm hopped to Stormreaver and found a rare at Foward Command as soon as I phased in. =)
On Shadowmoon I couldn't find any giraffe calves so I switched over to Feathermoon. Second group I found has two giraffe calves. Â I grab one of them for battle and the companion pet is a rare Emerald Boa, my other hard to find above grey pet. GAHH!! Â I decide to grab the giraffe. Â After winning that battle I battle the 2nd calf and it is also a rare but with a poor Emerald Boa. Double GAH!! But I have my rare Giraffe Calf. I will continue my search for the Emerald Boa later.
Squeeee!! Thanks to your all comments (and a little luck) I started running circles around Forward Command. First I killed all the lone giraffes. Then I got bored and just slaughtered everything around me. About 10 minutes later I got an uncommon giraffe calf! Woot! Thanks everyone!
Found two as soon as I got there - the first (poor) wandering around Forward Command. The second (uncommon) a little below Fort Triumph running around with a herd of adult giraffes!Â
On Tichondrius at about 11:00 PM server time and I was the only one there. <3
While flying over Southern Barrens I saw quite a few of these guys. Â Around 9:15 am server time in these locations - just west of Fort Triumph 2 of them following 2 big giraffes, just east of Vendetta Point, and by the little tents on the map of Forward Command, 2 north of Bael Modan following 2 big giraffes. Â First one I had was an uncommon that I killed on accident. Then saw 5 poors and finally another uncommon that I'm happy with for now. Â Happy hunting!
After spending a few days in/out of the Southern Barrens I have a good report on this animal; there is only one calf generated every 2+ hours and it appears North of Master Pet Tamer Cassandra Kaboom and South of the Overgrowth.  Be very careful as it is a low level pet, I killed the first one I assure all by accident...I was heartbroken!  There are players who stop by but I didn't see anyone hanging around like I is an EXCELLENT FIGHTER :)  Happy  Hunting