Clefthoof Runt

Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Most commonly found near groups of Clefthoof Bulls.

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This guy deals a surprising amount of damage. Damage boost from Trumpet Strike, plus increased damage taken from Stampede, plus the damage boost below 50% health from Beast. Very slow though, so their ability Horn Attack would rarely be used in a non-wild battle. Their size is also commendable, big fluffy Beast.
Soooo slow, and two of his moves (survival and Horn Attack) are basically useless. Power isn't really what I'd expect from a pet with the moveset it has. Trumpet Strike and Stampede are about all this high health runt has going for it. Would be a serious winner with a rampage move in the right slot.
While questing in Nagrand for Loremaster, I grabbed one grey pet and checked every other one for a rare. Never found one. In my opinion, this one is worth a stone.
A good place to farm these is around 44.4 73.3 A while ago I gave up on farming a rare and used a stone. Was recently back in area and came across an H/H rare and a B/B rare one after the other levelling another pet.
I got this guy in a H/H is it worth to put a stone on him? I heard some really nice stories about him.
I absolutely love this pet! He's adorable and ridiculously powerful. He is my go-to Beast slot pet for the Tamer Dailies; killing most of the epic critters in three shots! I have the B/B rare breed which works really well as it combines a still large pool of health with damage mitigation and lots of power to deliver huge hits. He also seems, imo, to deal a large amount of damage to whatever he is fighting, whether he is strong against that type or not. All around awesome!
I caught a rare 6:30pm Sisters of Elune realm time, near Kil'sorrow Fortress (67.8, 73.6). 5 mins after seen another one, (71.2, 72.4).
Genocide! Thats the only word to describe it. Ive killed that many Clefthoof Runts today lookngi for a Rare.
Eventually I bit the bullet and stoned my Uncommon.
Nuff said!
Its relaible tho and worth the stone...
Finding a rare is taking me forever.
Got a rare right off the bat.. Love this pet as a tanking pet.. just awesome
After fighting 11 straight poors, I caught a B/B uncommon, and then the very next one was the H/H rare I was looking for :D
I found a rare my very first battle with one... Then promptly killed it! Doh! Took several loops of nagrand and a few days to find another. Worth it though. Good luck everyone.
I'm jealous of you people who got a rare first time. I cleaned out the zone about five times before a rare popped for me. I think that's the most battles I've needed to get a rare of anything, but he's worth it. He tanks like a Stunted Shardhorn: soaks up damage while he dishes it out.
Yes, he's big, but a Giraffe Calf is much taller, though less bulky.
I got a rare of these the first time I saw one. I've been using him as my primary beast while I'm leveling my Lashtail Hatchling. He can really deliver some punishment, and has lots of HP to weather some hits, which is important as he has no ability to heal himself during battle. It's too bad he doesn't have Devour, since that would really enhance his survivability during fights, but that might make him to OP.
Finally got a rare one =) This guy is the size of a mount if ya give him one of those pet snacks. Mine was tunned fer HP and dmg. but slow as all hell. He haz 1887 HP @ Lvl. 25 ( highest in the game that i have seen ) wich makes up fer the slowness of him and he hits relatively hard if u take trumpet strike and trample. Also his head but works nicely against high hp pets as well.
I think it's worth noting that this little guy is not only adorable but also "huge" compared to most other pets! He could be a mount for goblins or gnomes.
Found a couple wandering the northern section of Nagrand west of Garadar. One was trapped in a tree, poor little guy. Had to use a keybound "Interact with Target" to get him out.
I just caught a rare Clefthoof Runt 01:20 server time to the west of Laughing Skull ruins. It was a lvl 18 and had 1155 health.
I had gone back and forth to Nagrand and not had any luck finding any Runts at all. But as I was in the area I decided to pop by and see if it was there. I saw it on the minimap and thought YAY it exists - caught it and discovred it was rare! Hope I can pass on my luck.
- Seph ❤
i got mine (rare) 1st one i found, took a while to find it but yay! (67.9, 76.2 there are alot of adults around)
N.E. side of Oshu'gun.
Found two pretty quickly. Second was a rare. Both were next to other Cleffhoof mobs
All of the ones that I found were along the rim of the zone, particularly the zone where it borders Shattrath. They're kind of sparse. So adorable though, I just need to use the scrub-a-dub pet wash and a toothbrush on it. Bet it sheds terribly though!