Feverbite Hatchling

Twitches legs.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click and periodic)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: October 4, 2012

1-15 of 15
1-15 of 15

Found a secondary rare at Krasarang Wilds, at cords. 47.7, 47.7 I believe this general area is called Crane Wing Refuge...
Breed / Capturing Guide :
Of the 13 spider types within this moveset, this is the only option for the PB breed.
If you need a critter killer, this is it. Â Brittle Webbing followed by Spiderling Swarm is awesome. Â Kills basically any critter in 2 rounds from full health to 0.
This seems like a bigger spider model wise as well. Â Give it a bisket and it looks as big as most hunter spider pets. Â
Underrated in my opinion.
Wow, I think I went through at least 100 battles before I finally found a rare one!  I nearly gave up hope and then finally found it as 2nd to a moth in Krasarang Wilds.
Found Feverbite Hatchlings as both primary and secondary pets in the Forbidden Jungle.
Any have a good tip on team to farm this little fellow?? the attacks its painfull maybe use wrong petrs against it
A whole nest of Feverbite Hatchlings in the Forbidding Jungle at 18.96 45.32.  I got a rare on my second or third try.  There are lots of  battle pets in the nest at this location.  Not just Feverbite. Good luck.Â
19, 45 is a great place to farm these and other Krasarang critters. A bunch of them run around among spider nests. I got rare Sifang Otter Pup & Savory Beetle as secondaries. Also, if you have an AOE attack, you can "farm" the non-battle critters for Critter Kill Squad guild achievement. (Appearently, killing a lot of them also summons an elite mob named Feverbite in the center of the area.)
Can anyone please tell how the model differs from the other spiders? I don't think it does. :-)
Found several (not as secondary pets) in the forbidden jungle (16, 45)
Found a lot at 42.79Â
also found this pet when it came into join the pet battle, although i caught it. it did not show up for the pandarian safari achievment...
I own this pet and it is level 25 already, but the Armory seems buggy as this pet is not listed there, neither under "collected" nor under "not collected".
I also found this critter backpacking on another pet that I was attempting to battle - I got lucky and it was a rare right off the bat!
Had a hard time finding this one, but eventually got it by battling other pets in Krasarang Wilds where it had joined in.Â