Water Snake

Looks around, sniffing air with tongue.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

1-10 of 10
1-10 of 10

Jesus fudging Christ, what a pain in the ass.
I decided to get my rare in the riverbed in the west of Durotar. Made a few rounds without getting one until i noticed that my snakes go extinct and seemingly share a spawnpoint with the toads so i killed those too. I got 3 rare toads before finally getting my snake after almost three hours of nonstop oneshotting everything until the universe finally blessed me with one. One of my worst farming experiences to date.
Durator rare..about 15 mins farm time.
Found mine a rare as a 2nd pet in Wetlands.also found doing battles a few commons and one more rare.
A lot water snakes can be found like second pet or both second pets with shore crab all around coasts in twilight highlands.
Found one in the Southfury Watershed (Durotar) as the Primary/Only. Was the blue skin.
Got mine, a Common, as a second in Northern Stranglethorn.
I found several of these in the water in Twilight Highlands in the Vermillion Redoubt area (level 23).
I found one as a secondary fighter to a Lizard Hatchling slightly NW of Fort Livingston in Northern Stranglethorn.
Found mine as a level 8 2nd fighter on Northern Stranglethorn's Savage Coast near Bal'lal Ruins.
Sadly there are more different skins of this Beauty than you can hold at one time ...
" Ah, well, off you go little Darling, make sure you hide well and don't let any Birds catch you! "