Coral Snake

Looks around, sniffing air with tongue.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

1-15 of 15
1-15 of 15

Decided to try and look for this as a secondary pet from the Venomspitter Hatchling and it took me 5 minutes.. Should have done that before spending 2 hours flying around waiting for the Coral Snake itself to spawn T_T
There are 2 Coral Snakes in Stonetalon Mountains around 32,17 which respawn relatively quickly.
sometimes they respawn as critters and sometimes as battle pets.
You could try farming those for a rare one.
However I didn't get a rare there for a while and I flew around untill I found one as a secondary to a Mountain Skunk at 51,49
Wish you good luck !
Breed / Capturing Guide :
This is one of the only 2 HB options within this moveset, shared with Crimson Snake, that also is limited to the same breed.
I followed Refactor's advice below. Â Captured two in 10 minutes. Â I'm never concerned about rarity as I can stone a pet to rare if it proves necessary. Â Thanks, Refactor!
2nd day  in hunting I found it after 4 battles not bad,
These frequently appear as secondary pets to the Venomspitter Hatchlings, which are numerous and respawn quickly. I highly recommend farming these (and the spiders in the area) rather than hunting down the elusive primary spawns.
Thanks for the on the way point. Got mine at 62 60
Yikes. What a trial of patience! Finally found an uncommon Coral Snake at 61, 50. I may come back and try for a rare but they spawn so slowly it almost seems like a waste of time.Â
These guys really take a long time to respawn. If you have a list or map of the spawn points, you will find a coral snake at each one. But only about 1/4 to 1/2 of them are battle pets. I battled or killed every coral snake that I saw at each spawn point (unless uncommon quality) and they would not respawn as battle pets. They kept respawning as regular level 1 critters. Finally on my 3rd trip around points, I found a new battle-able coral snake and it was a rare! At 61,59 Â
The best place to find these guys is in the Battlescar Valley, from Chared Vale to Thal'darah Overlook (house on map) and in the section of road leading to Sludgewerks. They can be a 2nd battle pet so battle anything on the way. Spawns arn't extreamly fast so from time to time go fly about the outside edge of the lumber yard by The Fold and the alliance mob area by Kromgar Fortress. Don't battle the spiders in Webwinder Hollow to get the get this as a 2nd, too long. 3hr, but with my info less.
IÂ got a rare from a Rabid Nut Varmint; it's a perfect companion for a rogue in Azeroth.
On earth coral snakes belong to the family of snakes called Elapidae which also many other poisonous snakes including cobras and death adders. Coral snakes are very poisonous and some snakes in North America mimic the coral snakes coloring.
There are poems about how to tell them apart.
‘Red on yellow, kill a fellow, red on black, venom lack’ and ‘Red touch yellow, you’re a dead fellow; red touch black, you're okay Jack.’
Got a rare as an add to a venomspitter hatchling in Webwinder Hallow.
Got mine as an add to a Rabid Nut Varmint 5000 at the Lumbermill just above Krom'Gar Fortress in Stonetalon. (65,60)
Found mine in the Blackwolf River area (lumbercamp)