Stripe-Tailed Scorpid

Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

1-13 of 13
1-13 of 13

looking around for pets today, went to Tanaris first one a rare , grab it up
P/S breed is probably better than the B/B one. Scorptions are pretty generic, almsot feel kind of boring. Screech can be useful against certain pets like Death Adder or Rabbit, but Crouch is generally much better choice. Triple Snap is not my kind of ability, to much luck based. Rampage hits hard but locks you for three turns. Otherwise make use of Sting and perhaps switch away. You probably wont face many, if any, when doing PvP.
Found my rare as a secondary to a desert spider in Tanaris. They can be found wandering around as primaries, but definitely possible to find them as secondaries, especially to spiders, snakes and gold beetles. Hope this helps.
Got a rare in Badlands, SW of Camp Kosh (Turaylon Server)
Confirmed got mine as a secondary to a rat on the bone piles.
I tried what Brianne suggested, and while waiting for respawns went for a fly around, and came across a ton of rats at Writhing Mound (48,67) and got my rare stripe-tailed as a secondary there. Farming bone waste rats would seem to be the way to go :-) Thanks Brianne for the tip!
I just got a Rare right outside of Gadgetzan. But it kinda sucked cause the Gold bettle that came to fight with it was also blue! I had to only pick one lol! But hey I got him and he is Blue and so pretty =)
got a rare while looking for a gold beetle this one was called it :) got lucky.
over by the abandoned camp in badlands.
For all of you who have a "skinchanger" scorpid:
Did it happen to be a "2nd" pet?
It seems that all joining battlepets with more than one skin can change into its other colors when summoned.
The displayed skin of a skinchanger scorpid in the petjournal is grey. So if you caught a (for example) red scorpid and you have a grey one displayed in the journal, this most likely means you have a skinchanger. Summon it several times just in case. :)
An easy way to get your rare version of this pet is to go to Carrion Hill in The Bone Wastes (Terrokar Forest) - 42, 52
Rats spawn ALL OVER that hill and they have an incredibly fast respawn there. Â These Stripe-Tailed Scorpids often come as secondary pets with the rats, so it's very easy to battle a bunch of them and get as many retries as you need to get a rare one to pop up (all without having to leave this little hill!).
I haven't had the chance to check Terokkar's spawns yet, but here's what I've found in Badlands and Tanaris:
-The ones you find in the world have stable skins - so if you want a specific look, just find one with the skin you prefer and catch that.
- The ones that join a fight are color-changers.
Colour Changer! Got mine at Terokkar Forest - summoned few times at got all alternate Skins.
found at 22,25 badlands!