Duskytooth Snooter

Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Battle For Azeroth
Patch 8.2.0 | Posted: June 25, 2019
Level 0:

1-13 of 13
1-13 of 13

Elusive for sure... I found mine at 88.8, 24.6 after whacking a bunch of Rustyroot Snooters.
I was pretty much almost done with the Mecha-Safari acheivment. Was all over Mechagon looking for the Duskytooth Snooter. Was finally able to find one at 46 71. Uncommon H/S. Did quite a few pet battles while trying to complete the acheivement and did not see it in any of the lineups.
I killed every Rustyroot I could find, all over the island, for a week. Finally got one of these to pop to the left of the pond at the base of the waterfall where you kill the Rolly Gulper (about 5 yards from where I found a yellow junkhopper). It was the bottom lefthand corner of the pond, by the nearest tree, NW part of the island. He was uncommon, but I haven't even seen one spawn since, and that was 4 days ago.
Got this sweety in the veeeery back corner near the last boss of the Junkyard area of the Mechagon dungeon. He was OUTSIDE of the reachable area, so my friend used ring of peace on his monk to knock him in to my range so I could start the battle. It was my first time seeing one and he was rare! He's a very lucky boy. I named him Peace since we got him down with ring of peace uwu
I managed to find one right out in front of the cave where the Crazed Trogg spawns.
Found inside mechagon dungeon just nearby entrance. He was near some mobs but I've managed to engage him on fight withouth aggroing the dungeon mobs. Plus is that he was a rare :)
I also got this guy in Mechagon while looking for the Yellow Junkhopper!
I just got one chilling in the beginning area of Operation Mechagon dungeon. I was able to start the pet fight near some mobs, who ended up killing me when I finished the pet battle but it was worth it!
Found this as a primary today at 88.44 24.96
My personal advice is try Sparkweaver Point. I made a simple macro to /target rustyroot snooter (because some of them run really fast and are hard to click on). I killed all of them, including the critter/non-battle pet ones for about 5 minutes and a Duskytooth spawned. Obviously YMMV but good luck to all! :)
Update: also check by Corey Clockbonk when you fly in (77.7, 40). Twice now I've seen a Duskytooth just hanging out next to him and people ignored it! I even called out in General.
Rustyroot genocide for me but the Duskytooth refuses to turn up so far. Is there a formula? Should I just stay in one spot and kill the few there? I've been running a path killing all Rustyroots hoping to come across a Duskytooth.
Found one spawn as primary at 72.38 20.45 by Horde landing area. I had been killing all critters that weren't rares or pets I needed, it might have helped spawn this guy.
Tough to find this guy, but he was the Primary!