Deathwatch Hatchling

Deathwatch Hatchling
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
Reputation grinding required.
Guild membership required.
Guild membership required.
3 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.0.1 | Posted: October 14, 2014
Guilds can unlock this pet by completing the Challenge Warlords: Gold - Guild Edition achievement.
Members must be revered with their guild to purchase this pet from a guild vendor.
Level 0:

Today I joined a guild for the pet hunt: Nephilim @ Silvermoon EU ♥ Alliance
I am aiming to hit revered and buy 3 copies of this pets. Darkmoon Faire dailies and monthlies gave more than 3000 rep point with 10 % buff and 100 % guild tabard. Each Q gave 275 rep, so I am just gonna level with Q and mine/herb on the way for gold. Wish me luck :-D
You need 77 quests at 275 rep to hit revered.
Any guild exists now, that can get me this PEt???? the latest post i saw was about a guild called Iversion on Ravencrest but cant find it
Inversion on Ravencrest Alliance . Look up the guild hit app & 2 mins later I was in. Even your rank is "Pets" lol. I put on my gtabard, just did questing & by lvl 17 hit Revered. I sold all the greens I got at AH, got lucky and opened a chest in DW and a 96k worth Mail cheast piece was in it. I took a Bpet over and sold it for 4k so I had gold. Donated the chest piice and all my gold to their bank. Great guild and so lucky they are doing this for us pet collecters :)
Any Horde or Alliance guilds on Hellscream/Zangarmarsh with this pet that would be willing to invite? Morticia1970 #1481
Inversion on Ravencrest Alliance is still around and knew exactly what I meant when I asked them if I could join for the pet. The guild isn't listed in the guild finder so I did /who inversion and messaged someone, got invited right away. Really friendly guild. I dropped 50k in their guild bank after I got the pet.
I want to shout the guild Inversion(Alliance) on Ravencrest. They still allow collectors to join to earn the right to get this hard to get pet.
I got the cash & rep from lvl 0 in a day and a half. Levelling in Draenor while picking mining and Herbalism helped to earn some cash and rep to supplement the grind. Ore Eater & Nightshade Sproutling grind ongoing.
If you go with Inversion, tip the guild on your way out. Keep the wheels greased for future collectors.
If any guilds on Malfurion/Trollbane could kindly invite me just so I can purchase the pet I would really appreciate it! I would be happy to pay and I’ll leave the guild as soon as I’m done so I don’t clog up the roster. My battletag is Kalindron#1947, I have Horde or Alliance characters. I‘d really appreciate the help (:
Is this pet still possible to get? If so do any guilds still take invites ? Thank you.
Hi, Is there a guild on Azjol-Nerub or Khaz-Modan that has this? I will pay up to 5k gold. Thanks Ogredwayne#1114
Just got it thanks to the alliance guild "Nephilim" on Silvermoon EU
Another huge recommendation for the Alliance guild on Ravencrest-US, Inversion. I got a very quick invite after contacting someone in-game and they were all very friendly and welcoming.
(EU) LF Horde Guild on Aerie Peak server for this beauty! :-)
Huge shout out to Alliance Guild Inversion (US - Ravencrest/Uldaman)
You guys rock! Welcomed me in to get this Deathwatch Hatchling, one of the few in game pets I was missing... These are som super nice folks with hearts of gold...I can't thank you enough =) If I didn't alread raid on Muradin/Nordrassil...I would def look you guys up and hang out... =) Take care and thank you all again!
Thank you to the Alliance Guild Inversion (US - Ravencrest/Uldaman).
I created a new Death Knight, mailed over a guild tabbard for double rep and in a few hours was Revered and able to buy the pet. I greatly appreciate you all in Inversion sharing this with us!
To all those looking for this pet on EU - I was kindly invited by Nephilim guild on Alliance side, Silvermoon server :). I'm pretty sure they will be more than happy to invite anyone who's after that pet. U can also /w me @ Pankracy#2378 ;). Happy hunting
Trying to chase this down. add me pipehitter#1774, i'll make a toon on any server.
Are there any guilds with this achievement on the following Realms that wouldn't mind a new friend? Aegwynn US, Bonechewer US, Daggerspine US, Gurubashi US, and Hakkar US I'm already guild exalted. Thanks...
LF Horde guild on illidan-US that has access to this pet please whisper me battletag maskedbob#1915
Are there any Illidan Horde Guilds that would send and invite to obtain this pet? I am asking for a friend. Thanks!