Zandalari Toenibbler

Zandalari Toenibbler
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.2.0 | Posted: March 5, 2013
The Zandalari Dinomancers have a chance to drop three additional raptor companions:
Level 0:

1-9 of 9
1-9 of 9

Toeknibbler is not my favorite zandalari raptor because he does not have hunting party. The other 3 variants do. Where he makes up for it is black claw + flank versus an undead, or if he is faster (but not humanoid). Vek is right about this pet, read what he has to say below.
It's not 1/player. Just a matter of luck and the time it takes to get one is of course affected by how fast you can kill the dinomancers. I (tank) was farming bones with my friend (healer) and we can easily pull for example the entire ship and just aoe them down. And I have 3/3 of most of them, and my friend isn't missing them either, so doesn't matter how many you have or don't have. Happy farming!
I run S/S version in PvP. Black Claw and Flank makes short work of any Undead. Get a Clockwork Gnome and enjoy turrent damage increased by Black Claw.
Also fun when you opponent switches out the pet you just Black Clawed and you do a Primal Cry that will be boosted by Black Claw in the backline.
Just remember this is a glass cannon. 1237 health with no heal, avoidance or damage reduction. Flank seems more useful than Hunting party since you don't commit to more turns.
I picked up the toe nibbler and the kneebiter within 10 minutes of one another today, so drop rates can't have been nerfed that much.
I'm running a S/S breed with Flank, Primal Cry, and Bloodfang and she's become the staple of my team for fighting and boosting up pets. Bloodfang is a bit more chancy than Devour since it only hits once but it hits like a truck and heals for a lot. Primal Cry usually keeps her going first, even with speed reduction, and has the added bonus of hitting backrow pets as well.
As of March 11th 5.2 hotfix, the drop rate has been reduced for all the zandalari pets.
"Zandalari Dinomancers now have a much lower chance to drop the Zandalari Anklerender, Footslasher, Kneebiter, and Toenibbler."
Patch 5.2 Hotfixes
I think these are all a pretty common drop rate. easily got all 4 with a couple hours of farming on the ship
Yea, these drop well have 4 of the toebiters and 2 anklerender and one each of the other 2 in a couple hours solo farming.
Very simple farm! I was able to solo the mobs that drop these (though they are level 90 elites, so keep that in mind) with a bit of kiting and a few bubbles as a badly geared 90 Shadow Priest. Got all four of the new raptor pets (plus a few extra for the AH) within an hour and a half. :) Good luck!