Razormaw Hatchling

Razormaw Hatchling
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click and periodic)
3 allowed
Wrath of the Lich King
Patch 3.2.0 | Posted: August 4, 2009
Drop: Razormaw Matriarch's Nest
Zone: Wetlands

Razormaw Hatchling
Item Level 30
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Right Click to summon and dismiss your hatchling.
Sell Price: 25
This is one of several raptor companions introduced in patch 3.2. Upon its initial release, this pet dropped from Razormaw Matriarch, a rare spawn typically found in a cave in the northeastern Wetlands roughly every 5-8 hours.
As of patch 3.3, the Razormaw Hatchling became a lootable item from Razormaw Matriarch's Nest.

Very easy to find, thus not very valueable or expensive. Decent for helping your other pets level. Devour gives it a bit of tenacity in battle. Bite can do a good bit of damage in PvE pet battles, especially when powered up with Exposed Wounds. Wouldn't recommend it much for PVP pet battles, unless you know it's going to get the job done. I prefer Chrominius for it power + self-healing abilities.
Because of the relative 'ease' in getting these little guys of later patches (after everyone else seems to have farmed theirs or forgotten) they are usually decent price on AH. Got mine for about 350g on an alt server.
TomTom coords for the nest
(tomtom is a waypoint addon, use this in a macro when you have it)
/way 67.7, 30.6
i figured this would be a lil hard to get but i walked in the cave and there it was in the nest.. now back to farming the whelping :(
was just reading comments and realized i didnt have this little guy yet, so i logged back into my mage and went to look. she was logged out in green warden cause ive been (sigh) farming the crimson whelpling. anyway, got lucky, the matriarch and the nest were up :) 69.29 in the middle of the cave. raptor ridge, wetlands.
No spawning, no nests - no baby....killing cockroaches and raptors...what a way to spend a Sunday.
I searched the whole cavern last night. I logged off that character at 11 PM CDT. When I logged in at Midnight, the nest was there n the middle of the pedestal in the middle of the water.
I logged back in at 4 AM and 6 AM and got two extra copies. One for the auction house and one for a guildie.
I hope this helps others.
That's what I did and as soon as I saw her, I ran in heedless of the other raptors in the vicinity, killed her, and looted her, letting my spirit beast Skoll take care of the other raptors attempting to defend her, futile though it may have been in the face of my determination.
Victory is mine!
/hugs Razormaw Hatchling
Hatchlings: Leaping, Darting, Razormaw, and Ravasaur Hatchlings no longer drop from their associated rare creatures. Instead, there are now rare nests that spawn which contain these hatchlings. For example, the Leaping Hatchling can now be found in Takk’s Nest rather than as a drop from Takk the Leaper.
I would also ask that those who happen to kill a rare world raptor and are skinners to let the corpse rot. While seeing a dead one is disappointing it gives collectors an idea of when to start looking again.