Ravasaur Hatchling

Ravasaur Hatchling
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click and periodic)
3 allowed
Wrath of the Lich King
Patch 3.2.0 | Posted: August 4, 2009
Drop: Ravasaur Matriarch's Nest
Zone: Un'Goro Crater

Ravasaur Hatchling
Item Level 30
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Right Click to summon and dismiss your hatchling.
Sell Price: 25
This is one of several raptor companions introduced in patch 3.2. Upon its initial release, this pet dropped from Ravasaur Matriarch, a rare spawn in southeastern Un'Goro who appears roughly every 10-14 hours.
As of patch 3.3, the Ravasaur Hatchling became a lootable item from Ravasaur Matriarch's Nest.
Note that this raptor hatchling is a little larger than the others.

TomTom was a huge help with the cords from Zmakqo's post (thank you!). Found the egg quickly at 68.94, 66.72 hidden in the ferns at the base of the palm tree. I will note that I did hunter tame the Matriarch 5-10 mins before finding the egg and in a different location; I only went looking for the egg so I'd have the matching pet after realizing there was one. Thanks to all who commented! edit: I was level 52
I upset with this one. First time I try I was at level 68 and so was he. Could not kill him. Went back at like level 73/74 thinking I can now kill him with 1 or 2 hits. Was i wrong, his level went up to match mine. I manage to kill. Went to a location as describe by other comments. No lootable egg nest to be found. wowhead.com show the 5 different spawn location. (http://www.wowhead.com/object=202082/ravasaur-matriarchs-nest ) Successful kill number 2 still no egg, still no Ravasaur pet
I also found mine near the 63, 63 point. The best part? Getting eaten twice by the Ironhide Devilsaur while stumbling around looking at my TomTom. :-D
Considering the backstory for the Ravasaur-- that they have toxic skin and such-- I'm a but disappointed that the Ravasaur pet is just a copy and paste of most of the other raptor hatchling pets. They should have given it some poisoned-based attacks at least...
These do not show up on your mini map so you wont see the paw. The nest blend in very well and are not the ones in the open. I found mine under a leaf.
6:40AM, Hyjal server at 62.0, 73.3. The nest looks like a clutch of gray, broken eggs and will light up under your cursor. It was between the large tree and a palm tree. Hope that helps!
just logged in and ran around the corner and there it was. Location 68.61
EDIT - posted on wrong pet...derp...
I found mine at around 69.00 61.17 or so. I hope that helps a little bit.Â
Stumbled over the nest quite accidentally, i.e. the mouse-over just popped up on my screen. :-)
I know, it's not really informative, but I simply had to tell how lucky I've been today....
Farming for the Darting Hatchling and got it the forst time I checked Dart's Nest.
So far so good, but it got better... I went for the Leaping hatchling at Takk's Nest and.... again the first time I looked I had the luck of getting my egg. So I tried for the Ravasaur Hatchling and I was extremely lucky, for I had it, again, in the first round I checked the various places you'd expect the nest to be.
63.0 63.2 is bang on, for those without co-ords, its in the lee of a huge tree and almost out of sight, you need to search well as its behind a fern there, its just slightly west of the lake shaped like a bulbous nose in the southeast group of lakes, 3rd single lake up!
Found mine today at 1pm ST at the nest at 62, 65. Â I read on Wowhead that the nest spawns independently of the Matriarch. Â Whether true or not, I killed the Matriarch, then checked the various nest coordinates and found this one about 5 mins after the kill. Â The Matriarch was nowhere near this nest at the time of her death. Â Could just be coincidence that both were spawned together.
UPDATE: Found another the next day at 9:15 ST...same coords. I saw no Matriarch this time.
Found mine at 4:27 AM CST, south of the path that goes through the area. It looked much like the piles of eggs that are all around only it had tufts of the nest around it. I was actually shocked as how fast I found it, because I had been trying for days to find one.
Morning seems to be a good time to find these. I have alts on three medium-population servers, and on all of them, the egg nests are extensively camped. I've been trying for a couple of days, so this morning I got up twenty minutes early for a look, and found the nest on the first server I checked.Â
Using the TomTom macro definitely helps, and so does setting ground cover to minimum in the graphics options!
The nests do spawn near the piles of eggs. I parked a toon near there, and finally today - success! Logged in just in time to see someone raiding one of the nests, and I ran over to the other and got one. Took a few weeks of random logging in. Glad to check it off the list!
Does this have anything to do with the stack of eggs nearby the locations people are posting?
Mine came to me by dumb luck- of someone who didn't realize the pet was in the nest. I had a macro to target the Matriarch- found her dead body, looked at the base of a nearby tree, and voila! I had my very own hatchling with less than 10 minutes of camping time :) Mannoroth- 8:45am on a Thursday!Â
63.0 63.2 was Dead on !!!