Leaping Hatchling

Leaping Hatchling
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about and leaps to owner's feet.
Vocalizations (on-click and periodic)
3 allowed
Wrath of the Lich King
Patch 3.2.0 | Posted: August 4, 2009
Drop: Takk's Nest
Zone: Northern Barrens

Leaping Hatchling
Item Level 30
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Right Click to summon and dismiss your hatchling.
Sell Price: 25
This is one of several raptor companions introduced in patch 3.2. Upon its initial release, this pet dropped from Takk the Leaper, a rare spawn found in the northeastern Barrens roughly every 4-6 hours.
As of patch 3.3, the Leaping Hatchling became a lootable item from Takk's Nest.
This pet will occasionally leap to its owner's feet.

Today at 60.9, 19.8. Woot!
Nest was on the back side of the big tree at 62.7, 20.2 in NorthEastern part of Northern Barrens
The nest has several spawn places listed below. The nest is not hidden and easily looted if its there.
found it 64.8 Â 28.3
Everytime I got near the Nothern Barrens, I made sure to visit the nests. Today, I finally got my reward! :D
justfound mine at 10:09 relm time(trollbane). IÂ have pet tracker addon, and the nest was exactly where the icon said it was. Maybe I was lucky.
Found the nest at the NW spawn point literally seconds before another player showed up from the opposite direction! I checked all the other spawns just in case, and ran into Takk the Leaper (named rare raptor.) I wonder if the nest respawn time is tied to the rare spawn being up?
Dropped down to pick an Herb and literally landed in the nest! 64 - 23 under the tree!
First time looking for it, found under a tree at 64.9, 28.7 9.30am EST/ 6.30am server
I searched and searched but to no avail...downloaded the TomTom addon and used this macro and BAM!!! Found the nest twice in 3 hours
/way 61.0 19.8
/way 62.8 20.3
/way 64.2 23
/way 65.0 28
I found mine like this: Start from Nozzlepot's Outpost, then go East slightly (not down the hill). There is a wide grassy path that goes Southeast and skirts the eastern side of the mountain. I found the nest behind the first large tree on my right. I went back a few minutes later, and the nest is gone. I don't think the nest is always there, and I get the idea that it spawns in different locations around the area. Tak was further south along the same path.
Just got him from a satchel of exotic mysteries I got for running LFR.Â
Found mine at /way 65.0, 29.0 under a tree :)
Just found mine under the tree at /way 65, 28 at 1:53AM server time on Azralon.Â
Just got mine today at 64.1 / 23.1! Â I figured out where all of the coordinates were that everyone posted and circled the trees looking for it. Â I found it in 5 minutes thanks to everyone's help.
I just found this one today. I installed TomTom and found out i had been looking at the wrong trees! I did a couple rounds and did some mining... all of a sudden there was the nest! 62.8, 20.2 - Good luck to all... it was fun looking for this one!
I searched the following trees that are mentioned in previous comments:
58.2, 22
61, 19.8
62.8, 20.2
64.2, 23
65, 28
After deciding to seriously look for these raptor pets, I installed the TomTom add on via Curse and it has made all the difference as I'm really bad with directions. Used this TomTom macro based on the comments here and searched under the trees:
/way 58 22
/way 60.92 19.86
/way 62.52 20.22
Found Takk's nest after my fourth look (my mage camped this area for a day).Â
Just got another hatchling for hubby so two today! Found this one at: 64.09 23.01
Gottem! And the only reason I found him was because of everyone's helpful comments :D He's super cute and I adore him.. thanks guys!
Tomtom Macro
/way 61.0 19.8
/way 62.8 20.3
/way 64.2 23
/way 65.0 28.
Found at 58, 22 at the base of a big tree, just south of that dark pool on the map (The Sludge Fen). Was flying around the area for a half hour or so in queue for a random when I found it ... had killed Takk about 15 minutes earlier, but in a totally different spot. My queue popped a couple minutes later too, so lucked out on timing!