Lashtail Hatchling

Lashtail Hatchling
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Occasionally runs to a nearby corpse and fetches a bone.
Cataclysm expansion required.
3 allowed
Patch 4.1.0 | Posted: April 27, 2011
This raptor companion is available upon defeating Bloodlord Mandokir in the new five-man heroic Zul'gurub dungeon. Players who have completed the level 20+ Lashtail Hatchling quest chain will find a captured Lashtail Hatchling in the instance, which they can save, and conclude this raptor's storyline.
To begin the lower level quest chain, horde players will need to pick up the quest The Defense of Grom'gol: Raptor Risk and alliance players will need to pick up the quest Bad Medicine.
Unlike other pets, the Lashtail Hatchling will proudly sport the title of 'aka instead of 's Companion.

They are adorable, got them solo from the dungeon. I wish there were more like this one, where you interact with the pet for a while, and are finally able to keep them after many quests and a dungeon.
If you pretty much play solo as I do, and couldn't get to her as a 90 (Heroic ZG is pretty tough as a 90 solo). Head on back in at 100. The changes in the combat system actually make it an easy clear, it's just annoying having to get past the boulders. After you get her back, she can watch you kill everything in there as payback for taking her from you.
Finally got her on my 90 hunter, Miliane. I tried renaming her back to what she would have originally named, Miliane'aka. No go. Said the name contained invalid characters. *sadface*
Finally got one! I had some guild buddies help with the dungeon bc my lvl90 hunter is a a pet hunter not a fighter, lol. Love this pet! My hardest part was being the lashtail quest.
What a great way to obtain a pet. I Really enjoyed the questline and she (regardless of breed) will always be a favorite.
You have to be lvl85+ to save her. Once you've completed the lvl24ish quest line in Northern Stranglethorn, do lvl85 heroic ZG, you'll find the lashtail hatchling by Bloodlord Mandokir, all chained up and enslaved. She will have the quest "An Old Friend" for you after you defeat Mandokir. Accept it, talk to her again to complete it, and she comes as the reward.
I actually submitted a ticket asking Blizz to categorize her as the girl she's supposed to be and to give us our 'aka after our names back. Yes, I was that irritated :P We did all that work for her and now our bonded names are gone!
So its a "she" in all the quests, but the breed is male? Please change that Blizz.
Start the quest chain with an alt and once you get the egg you can have both the pre-ZG and post-ZG versions of her out at the same time. In ST that is ofc.
Having a pet with a back story is a brilliant idea, Blizzard should do more like this.
do the quest line up to Be raptor
then dont delete your hole system, clear wtf etc... , just sit back an wait for blizz to fix it.