Gundrak Hatchling

Gundrak Hatchling
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click and periodic)
3 allowed
Wrath of the Lich King
Patch 3.2.0 | Posted: August 4, 2009
Drop: Gundrak Raptor
Zone: Zul'Drak

Gundrak Hatchling
Item Level 30
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Right Click to summon and dismiss your hatchling.
Sell Price: 25
This is one of several raptor companions introduced in patch 3.2.

Still drops as of jan 27 2024 about 350 kills.
I either got super lucky today or the drop rate is better, got one on my 3rd raptor kill. Note that I was doing the 'Eggs for Dubra'Jin' quest at the time, not sure if that makes a difference.
I tried to farm for this guy YEARS ago and quit each time after hundreds of kills. Today, I decided to try again. Got him after about 40-45 kills. Needless to say my mouth dropped. But my advice is definitely to farm him on a Druid - super fast kills with travel form + you can make sure said Druid has herbalism/skinning for extra money. Kill two birds with one stone!
1713 Attempts for me. Scared me when I got it. Can confirm it drops still in Feb 2021
Talk about unlucky; 3889 attempts according to Rarity. Can confirm it still drops as of September 2020 though. XD
I feel quite lucky as I got this guy in only 389 kills!
amazingly unlucky. Took 3084 kills. But its still there.
I can confirm as of Aug 2019 that the Raptor still drops in this area. It took 10 shots to bag it @ 72,19 just circle this coord nothing fancy.
Years ago, I would kill a couple hundred a day, until inevitably someone else came to farm the area. Never got it to drop and eventually gave up. If I happened to go to Northrend I may stop by the area but often didn't. Today I went on a whim and got the drop on my 7th kill! Pretty sure my heart stopped for a second.
You all are so lucky! For me it was well over twice the stated drop rate. Happy to finally get it though.
I have killed thousands of the raptors and have never gotten this pet to drop. Is there a "gate", such as a quest that needs to be completed, to get these to drop? lists this as 1 in 1,000 drop so I never really counted my kills until today (over 700 just today).
Finally got one today, not sure how many kills. Based on the leather I had, maybe 250 kills.
....does this still drops? 2427 kills and nothing -.-
759 attempts Gundrak Hatchling
it must have taken me around 400 kills before I stumbled upon a person who had 3 of them in about 10 minutes. I bought one from him for 450g :3
Then, it only took a quarter of the kills to pick up 2 of them :l
Either way, I have 2 to sell, and I used one of them to get this lil thing. Proably going to use it in my roster if its good enough.
Can you carry more than one?
Pleasantly surprised .. took only about 50 kills! )
Got it on my 112th kill
It dropped on kill #334 - not too bad!