Child of Jani

Child of Jani
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
3 allowed
Battle For Azeroth
Patch 8.0.1 | Posted: August 13, 2018
Horde players must first complete the Get Hek'd achievement before this pet will appear on the vendor.
As of Patch 8.1, a new vendor was added allowing Alliance players to purchase this pet directly, bypassing the original prerequisite achievement noted above. To gain access to this vendor, Dodger, players must acquire A Shady Message quest item. The quest item is a random drop from participating in Pet Battle PVP (queued) matches. Accepting and completing the quest mission, as well as the follow-up quest, will grant access to Dodger and his stock of multiple Horde battle pets.
As of Patch 8.1, a new vendor was added allowing Alliance players to purchase this pet directly, bypassing the original prerequisite achievement noted above. To gain access to this vendor, Dodger, players must acquire A Shady Message quest item. The quest item is a random drop from participating in Pet Battle PVP (queued) matches. Accepting and completing the quest mission, as well as the follow-up quest, will grant access to Dodger and his stock of multiple Horde battle pets.
Level 0:

1-6 of 6
1-6 of 6

I finally got around to completing Get Hek'd on an old Horde toon. However, I hadn't yet completed doing all the steps on THAT toon until AFTER the achievement was awarded as warband-wide. The last few years I've mostly played only Alliance, out of convenience; but I really hate pet-battle-pvp, so I've never established Dodger as a vendor.
Very difficult, if not impossible to do. The vendor is not "there" and the information is off-kilter everywhere. One has coordinates that do not exist ... you cross the bridge and then the numbers change to the other location, and thus you can not continue looking for the vendor to get the quest!
Clean, new, or updated information would really help ... instead of comments that do not lead you to the quest giver, or quest itself, if a battle.
Upadate: Currently, the only known way to obtain this item is from PVP Pet Battle wins (queued).
The achievement is no longer necessary and there is a new seller in
Boralus selling the same pet as Happy Holaua
A mission table quest is in my bags to unlock him(a drop?)
The vendor is not seeing for my other pg
So disappointed this little guy does not have Dumpster Dive like Trashy. C'mon, it's the offspring of the scavenger loa, the God of Garbage!
Only the character who completed Get Hek'd achievement can see the pet on the vendor. I parked a Horde alt at the vendor and after my Human Paladin got the achievement, nothing. I have to personally run into that shop, through the guards to get there. It's not too bad of a run.
Turns out this is not a horde only pet! Alliance can purchase it from the vendor, it's just that she's located in the horde capital.