Darkmoon Monkey

Darkmoon Monkey
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Beats on chest and scratches backside.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 4.3.0 | Posted: November 29, 2011
As of Patch 4.3, the Darkmoon Faire has moved to its very own zone. Tickets earned prior to the patch are unusable.
The new Darkmoon Prize Tickets are obtainable through Darkmoon Faire profession-based quests, dailies, and turning in Darkmoon Faire Artifacts. Check out our Community Guide: Darkmoon Prize Tickets for more information.

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1-20 of 20

Blizzard logic.. How do you make a monkey even more awesome-looking? Put a Fez on it!!
273 speed is quite enough to make good use of the stun from Clobber. Smash really hurts alot on almost any kind of opponent. I also prefer Banana Barrage to Barrel Toss, but if you face alot of Sandstorm/Shields then Barrel Toss might be more useful. This pet can be a true star, but of course has some weaknessess. Faster mechanicals will eat it up, slower ones will still be in trouble due to Clobber. Mine soloed a Death Adder Hatchling with some nice use of Banana Barrage and Clobber.
I've got this one for free, it was enclosed in the green package by a Darkmoon ticket, after I finished the Ring Toss quest on the faire.. I'm very happy!
Hated going against Fezwick, the epic one of these from the DMF pet battle. The banana move just seemed so OP. He could get about 5 hits out of it over two rounds, while I couldn't fight back.
Sure is nice being able to pull one of these guys out against any critter though :)
The monkey saw a doctor wear the Fez...
Love this guy! renamed mine Tommy Cooper due to the Fez :)
Excellent choice for a Darkmoon purchase. Barrel Toss usually results in a two round kill.
Just picked him up for pretty cheap off the AH. As far as I know they have increased his size, or at least in my opinion he's not nearly as small as the other comments would have us (or maybe only me) believe. Average size for a pet, really, and totally cute with his fez.
He's pretty cool, as monkey pets are nearly non-existent, but he's incredibly tiny. Five or so of these guys would fit inside a creepy crate.
You can show him a whole new world outside of the Faire!
Although this will be the first Darkmoon Faire pet I'll get because, as stated earlier, Fezzes are cool.