Red Panda

Red Panda
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
1 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.2.0 | Posted: March 5, 2013
Upon completion of the Beasts of Fable quest, players will unlock a daily quest of the same name. This daily rewards the Fabled Pandaren Pet Supplies which has a chance to drop three additional panda companions—Mountain Panda, Snowy Panda and Sunfur Panda.
Level 0:

1-12 of 12
1-12 of 12

Just use a combo of Stitched Pup and Menagarie Custodian . Start with Stitched Pup and when he gets killed he is reanimated one time thats when you cast Howl and then he dies. Howl will give your next Pet a double damage bonus for two rounds so bring in your Custodian and hit first with Shock and Awe for around 800 and next use Ion Cannon for a whopping 1200 - 1400 hit and the beast gets owned. I used this method and it worked with all of them. Happy Battling.
Is this pet really worth using in battles? It doesnt have that many attacks, most of the spells are just healing and dodging.
One Kun-Lai runt can take down most of the elites. I used a P/S as main battler and a P/P as backup. Easy-mode.
If you have trouble with any of these pets or tbh just want to breeze through them...use the cockroach or beetle meteor ability even from a mid level pet and just tank with the other two! It's kinda cheating,
where do I pick up this quest or where is it located?
Yup, at this moment (3/06/13), the elite pets are super easy. But even so, I thought it was great to get this little guy so quickly! He's super cute and I can't wait to level him and use Cute Face! :)
I just looked at the class of pet and picked appropriate pets to fight them. With fast flight it took me about an hour. Only 2 were a real pain for me. Sadly I can't remember which, lol.
Started and finished in less than three hours, this was queueing with LFR two times.. I though it was easier than the current pet battle masters. Even the Panda Sprirt tamers were harder...
Wonderfully cute pet. As noted below though, despite most of the legendaries having 4400 HP, they went down surprisingly easily. Most only required one pet of the appropriate opposite class.
To be honest, there was more time spent flying around than actually battling.
Yes....easy and a bit of a bummer. I would have thought legendary pets would be tougher. I used dragons for most of the fights; self heal and spike damage will do the trick. I figure, do this on day 1 of the patch...before Blizzard does any hot fixes and maybe makes this a wee bit tougher :)
This was disapointingly easy! The only pet I really used was the Nether Faerie Dragon. With Life Exchange and it's air attack (a lot of the pets are aquatic) the Nether Faerie Dragon made it really easy to beat all of them in one try.
Pretty easy questline to beat. Majority of the pets you battle are aquatic. I used my rare level 25 Effervescent Glowfly in almost every fight. I believe the pets are all either aquatic, critter, or beast.