Mountain Panda

Mountain Panda
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.2.0 | Posted: March 5, 2013
Players must first complete the quest, Beasts of Fable, before unlocking the daily quest of the same name. The initial quest rewards the Red Panda.
The Fabled Pandaren Pet Supplies is a reward for completing the daily. This bag also has a chance to drop two other panda companions—Snowy Panda and Sunfur Panda.
The Fabled Pandaren Pet Supplies is a reward for completing the daily. This bag also has a chance to drop two other panda companions—Snowy Panda and Sunfur Panda.
Level 0:

1-10 of 10
1-10 of 10

Starting to love this pet, didn't care much for it durint 5.4. Scratch will really hurt undead. Rock Barrage hits really hard, especially on mechanicals. I guess the extra cooldown round is an excuse for it to hit a bit harder. I go with Burrow for avoid and huge damage vs critters, but Mudslide migt be useful if you want to switch weather. The Mountain Panda, thanks to Rock Barrage, easily destroys Decoys and punishes mechanical pets. But it is still a beast pet so be careful.
Got my mountain panda on my first day doing the dailies.
I'm delighted to get the Mountain Panda on my very first round of the Legendary daily, along with (gasp!) a Flawless Battlestone. I am hoping it will fund my mammoth.
Just got this little bugger today along with an Undead Stone. I now have 3/4 Panda's with only the Snowy to go. They seem to sell for a lot on the AH, but after only completing this daily 5 times and getting the Mountain and Sunfur panda already, I don't think they're as rare as the AH prices suggest.
Can you put these pets in cages and sell them?
Also received mine from the first fabled daily. Sort of drab, but he's starting to grow on me:)
Got him along with a Humanoid Battle Stone out of the Legendary daily first day. Has some new pet talents that turn out to be a lot of fun in pet battles so he's a good one to level.
got this guy out of the fabled panderen pet supply bag for doing the fabled daily.
yes you can cage and sell/trade them.
The fur color matches that of the dark brown-colored pandarens. If only they had a stub tail they'd be twins!