Wind Rider Cub

Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about. Will begin to fly whenever its owner mounts up.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Loot code required.
The Blizzard Store has not stocked this toy (and pet code) for a long time, and it's unknown if the store will ever carry this item again. Although the plush might not be available, players that trade/buy unused pet codes can still redeem the pet on a single Bnet account.
A plush version of this pet is available for purchase from the Blizzard Store. Players who purchase the plush will receive a code for the in-game pet. This code may be redeemed on any WoW account. All WoW accounts (of the same region) under one will have access to this pet.
Note: The pet codes are region-specific, so be sure to order for your region. (Plushes ordered from the US store cannot be redeemed on EU servers.)

So I personally was fortunate enough to get my lil boy as a gift years ago, but everyone deserves one.
Considering the ingame model for the baby gryphon eventually was offered as a capturable wild pet, ( Wildhammer Gryphon Hatchling) maybe this lil dude will too.... eventually. Don't give up hope, guys!
I wonder if they will ever bring the Wind Rider Cub battle pet again? I just saw an alliance with one in Shadowmoon Valley at the Pet battle Master with the Plushie Elekk. I want one so bad.
Blizzard appear to have removed the Wind Rider Cub and Gryphon Hatchling completely (again!) Rather than saying "out of stock", they have been removed from the store, and the one I had in my wishlist now says "Product no longer available."
Wish I'd ordered it earlier, seems it went from not being (readily) available in Europe to unavailable worldwide. One would hope they will add the companions to the digital store, but not holding out hope. Maybe they will return...
You find these in the Blizzard Gear Store where you can buy clothes, plushes, books, and other memorabilia.
Not the regular shop where you can buy mounts, pets, subscriptions, ect. I think people are getting confused by the two sites.
He's back on sale in the Blizzard Shop. I bought a BlizzCon ticket, and then continued to shop, and found him there. If you can't see him, then maybe it's because BlizzCon ticket holders can see additional merch in the shop.
Out of Stock again:O(
My friend bought me the plush this accompanies a few years ago at BlizzCon. I just found the card. There was an issue with the code being invalid, but a quick ticket and live chat with a Blizzard GM got that sorted. It is so cute!
Just ordered a Wind Rider Cub and Gryphon Hatchling from the Blizzard Gear store today so that means both are available at this present time.
This and Gryphon plushes have disappeared from the store... again.
Edit: Both appear in stock again.
I just ordered this pet today from the blizzard merchandise store, link found on side menu of Blizzard Store, Linked from the Notes section in the general info tab here. Direct link
Looking forward to recieving it. also ordered the Gryphon Hatchling.
I got him this morning, 11 days later. looking forward to levelling him
I'm in the UK and ordered this pet from the Blizz US site last week. It arrived safely this morning and although it took a few minutes to come through to my email, I got it eventually without having to raise a ticket. I don't know if Blizz have changed something but the codes ARE redeemable in the UK at least.
This thing is to-die-for cute, and I love the plushie version to death. As a battle pet though, I've found it's terribly behind others of a similar type/level/rarity. It's the worst level 25 Rare quality I have of any kind. Good thing it's so adorable!
I got it from e-bay US and redeemed it on my EU account. All the odds were against me, but now I have lvl 25 wind rider cub.
Pretty average battlepet though.
Since they redid the store, its only selling digital goods for right now. They stated they'd be bringing back physical goods soon though.
The pet is out of the store completely now? Its page redirects you to the main store as well. Im not sure when it offically came back but since i'd been checking it was only there about a week
This is now available again from the Blizz store
I just received the windrider cub from the US-Blizzard Store. And i can confirm the code works on EU-Account!
It's back in the pet store!!
I got a plushie from someone on Ebay. My plushie has sparkles on his eyes, but the pictures of the pet store one have plain eyes. Anyone else have one with sparkles? Is mine a fake or something?
Catchastr: the Wind Rider Cub is sold out in usa too