
Idles about.
Emoting /dance while targeting it will cause it to begin dancing for a short period.
3 allowed
Patch 10.2.0 | Posted: November 7, 2023
Level 0:

1-13 of 13
1-13 of 13

Got mine at /way 57.6 26.2. Thanks!
Thank you everyone for your help. I have my map set to show me missing pets for the area and all I had left was this little guy. I started at the top at Eye of Yearsa, then went to each area that had him shown. I couldn't find him at one of the points and wondered if it would work, but moved on and did get him at 25.53 22.90! It was a poor BB, but at least I got one and just stoned him. Emerald Dream Safari completed!
Found mine at Eye of Ysera (57.6 , 26.1) over in the corner hangin' out with the Tamed Umbraclaws.
These spawn rates though. :(
Found one as primary at 25.58 22.91
Also found at 25.75, 22.93, around midnight PST on Uldaman - US.
Found at 25.75, 22.93 thanks to the comments here.
Found one chillin by Kiya Featherpaw a 57.61/26.39 at the Eye of Ysera!
Just found him at 57.71 26.31 and he put me in combat mode. grrr! I couldn't pet battle him and he died.
Found at 33,68
There is a critter version at the following coords. Fly around and kill the one at each and eventually he will spawn
25.53 22.90
57.71 26.31
49.74 47.80
37.46 57.65
33.58 68.88
Taken from a Wowhead comment by someone named Druna and they are very accurate. Mine spawned shortly into my circuit
I've been killing the one at the spot Marenyalia found every five minutes or so for a few hours and have still not gotten one to spawn as a tamable.
Def grab this one if you see it anywhere.
I found this little fella as a front line pet at 58, 26 in the Emerald Dream zone.