Pale Slumbertooth

Idles about.
Vocalizations (periodic)
Emoting /dance while targeting it will cause it to begin dancing for a short period.
3 allowed
Patch 10.2.0 | Posted: November 7, 2023
Only players under the effects of Friendsurge Defenders toy will be able to see this wild pet sleeping near bushes and trees in the Emerald Dream.
Level 0:

1-8 of 8
1-8 of 8

not seeing any after war within ... update after reset am ... found one no idea what the issue was no pets were visible but appears to be fine now
Found one at 46.49 38.8 with toy deployed.
Found at /way 34.5 62.3, using the Friendsurge Defenders toy. Can confirm it also shows up on the pet tracker on the minimap.
Can confirm you need to use Friendsurge defenders toy to see them, found mine at 35.70, 62.51, and one next to it a minute later. There is also one at 51.17, 68.21 under a tree
It seems to respawn in a minute or two as long as the toy is active.
As others have mentioned, use the Friendsurge Defenders toy, travel to /way 34.5 62.3, and you can then battle the pet to cage.
One regularly respawns at: /way 34.5 62.3
"'d best bring friends" in the pet flavour text refers to needing to use [Friendsurge Defenders] toy to see them.
Found one of these guys as a main pet at 62, 76 using the Friendsurge defenders.
More at:
53, 65
51, 68 Seemed to be a few around this area
48, 69
34, 62 Again seem to be a few around here