
Looks and idles about. Occasionally yawns.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Targeting this pet and emoting /beckon will cause Daisy to cling to your character's back.
Special promotion.
Requires purchase from Blizzard Store.
Requires purchase from Blizzard Store.
1 allowed
Patch 9.0.2 | Posted: April 23, 2021
In 2021, Daisy was part of Blizzard's new Charity Pet Program.
Upon reaching a $1 million USD donation goal for Doctors Without Borders' COVID-19 Crisis Fund, this pet was unlocked for everyone. Daisy could be claimed for free from the Blizzard shop until August 1, 2021, at which point she became a purchasable pet from the Blizzard Store.
Upon reaching a $1 million USD donation goal for Doctors Without Borders' COVID-19 Crisis Fund, this pet was unlocked for everyone. Daisy could be claimed for free from the Blizzard shop until August 1, 2021, at which point she became a purchasable pet from the Blizzard Store.
Level 0:

1-10 of 10
1-10 of 10

Cute as a button, slow as heck but her only drawback (now?) is that she will not stay on my dwarf's back. Sad to say there's some buyer's remorse for being under the impression I could take a step and she'd stay there?
She's obviously adorable, plus being able to have her ride your shoulders is insanely cute. She's also amazing in killing wild pets, not as good in non-wild though.
You can summon another companion pet (except Daisy) when she's on your back, without losing her! Summon Pepe using the Transdimensional Whistle, and you're a walking Menagerie!
I wonder if someone could make a macro for summon/beckon Daisy. I love her. But the having to resummon and beckon all the time if frustrating.
Downfall, you have to summon daisy and beckon each time after you get off your mount. Daisy will not ride with you even though she replaces your cloak. This will get annoying after awhile. Daisy is wonderful and cute!!
Daisy will ride on travel form of Draeni and you can transform yourself with a mirror to look like her and have her on your shoulders - that looks sick.
will ride on the back of a Zandalari moonkin form
Daisy will not ride on cat, bear, travel or boomchicken form. She will, however, ride on your shoulders when you are in tree form...which is appropriate :D
If you summon Daisy while she is on your back, she will vanish. You can, however, summon any other pet while Daisy is on your back and she'll stay.
If you /beckon another player's Daisy she will vanish.
You need to use /beckon command if you want Daisy to ride on your shoulders. It replaces your cloak. Cannot ride on druids forms.