Briarhorn Hatchling

Briarhorn Hatchling
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 10.1.5 | Posted: July 11, 2023
Players that participate in Time Rift events, which occur every hour on the hour in Thaldraszus, can earn Paracausal Flakes to purchase this pet.
The pet also has a chance to drop from the epic (purple) reward box after collectively earning a total of 3000 Temporal Essence (fully filling the bar at the top of the screen).
The pet also has a chance to drop from the epic (purple) reward box after collectively earning a total of 3000 Temporal Essence (fully filling the bar at the top of the screen).
Level 0:

1-2 of 2
1-2 of 2

The Briarhorn fortunately dropped from one of my first Rifts; I've been buying the pets as I've had enough Flakes just to be sure I get them all. Maybe by the time this toon gets capped, they'll drop me a mount...?
This little guy dropped from a Time Rift tonight! It's nice to know they can drop. I thought I'd have to grind enough currency to buy them all. He's a cutie...and I'm stoked that he has Call Lightning! It's such a great ability.