Spiny Lizard

Looks around and sniffs air.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

1-8 of 8
1-8 of 8

Have three rares...now and none of the breed specs match up on the battle info. Â All caught in either Org or Durotar while leveling alts.
Am using PetJournal Enhanced and Pet Tracker Addons.
Here's the stat info on them as displayed
First , level 5, Â health355(1319) power52(260) speed68(341), rare ninja
Second, level 1 health155(1465) power12(289) speed11(276), rare power &health
Third, level 1, health152(1400) power11(276) speed12(293), rare balance
As mentioned by others, trying to get a rare version is, at least, a good way to level a bunch of 1s to level 2. At least that was the case for me. I probably fought 100 of these to get a rare. On the other hand, my husband's first pet battle ever was a rare Spiny Lizard. It was probably a coincidence, but I finally got my rare in the same area as hub did, along the outer left side of Gromnash Hold. Mine is a pretty heavy-hitting little bugger.
Have been chasing this guy for days, so far have levelled up about 30 pets to level 2 just doing pet battles looking for him. Hope it hurries up and appears soon.
Found my rare in Orgrimmar, ran around the upper perimeter killing all battle pets and leveling lower level pets at same time, after about 40-50 different pet battles, finally had chance.  Thankfully with the new cancel battle system, I was able to cancel and replace my primary pet with an elemental with a low damage per hit, three hits and captured. Edit: Use a Terrible Turnip for any pets you wish to capture that are low level. Will save you a lot of heartache using Weakening Blow.
My first rare pet captured! And my first pet to make it to 25. Solid hits and can take a beating - very reliable.
As an Alliance Hunter _ found my common on the beach to the right of Origmmar at 55.8 9.6.
Did my first pet battle and I captured this lizard only to find out that it was a rare! Skin pattern purple and green. I named him Sparks.
Was farming for a rare one in Durathar, gave up because of few spawns and found out Orgrimmar is full of them.