Scalded Basilisk Hatchling

Shakes and idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click and periodic)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Can be found near Scalded Basilisks in the north eastern part of Blade's Edge.
Level 0:

Average PvE pet battler, nothing to write home about if trying to use against trainers or wild pets. However, fantastic PvP pet battler! Provides for some really interesting uses, with stuns, free swaps, etc. It will really keep your opponent on their toes! As other have said, get the H/S breed and play around with it. I really enjoying using this one!
I would just like to add the note that these respawn quickly. I cleared the area twice recently and each time there were more available in areas i'd previously cleared withing a few minutes. I got my rare H/B after a couple visits. A nice range of attacks, worth leveling to 25. Best of luck.
I just went to get mine, and yes... they are all over the place where they are marked on the map. I got an uncommon first. I got a rare after about 5 pet battles. (I am on the Zangarmarsh server) I see that Onelotus doesn't like the "I got my rare" comments... Well, maybe some of us want to give other collectors some hope! It IS possible, even when you don't think it is. :) Happy hunting!
These guys are literally swarming the areas marked on the location map.
The downside is that the population isn't necessarily a promise of swift rare finds.
The upside is that the area is just lousy with them and they always bring Two Scorpids, Rock Snakes, Skittering Crawlers, Rabbits, Squirrels and/or Brown Marmots. I've yet to bag a rare Scalded Basilisk Hatchling but have gotten a rare of all but the Skittering Crawlers they partner with. Not a bad place to level your pets.
I'm sorry but "i got my rare" no matter where or when or which realm or how many tries is the most useless comment and on some pages I wade through testimonial after testimonial looking for some USEFUL comment, like which breeds are best for which fights etc. These are supposed to be comments on the pets, not on the egos of the players.
Rare 1st shot! I've been farming all day and that was the 1st rare I've seen. I found it where the map location is.
Second battle and got my Rare! 70 - 22
Seeing all the comments about people getting their rare on the first or second battle makes me die a little inside. I have killed so many baby basilisks that quite frankly, I am a little concerned for the continuantion of the species. I have yet to see a rare. I may have to be content with my uncommon and hope for a battle stone at the rate I am going. Happy hunting! :)
Update: Not four battles after this comment, I got my rare! It IS possible! :D
One of my absolute favourite battle pets. Be sure to get the H/S one. It can stun, it can dodge/switch and hits hard enough when its faster. With 305 speed that seems to be the case in many fights. A couple of 325/333 pets will make it difficult for this guy, but if you are up against a bird just get another pet to bring the bird to below half health and switch in the basilisk which should now be faster.
After reading the comments, I flew to Skald and found a bunch spawned there around 2-4pm server time, Terokkar. First one I clicked to battle was a rare! caught him and left the rest for other people. I am glad I read about his feign death move - it threw me off! A great dps pet against critters, and a good choice to capturing others as he can take a lot of hits while you're waiting for your trap to work. Happy hunting!
I kept looking directly north - when they are not. They are on the hill above the Lair, but look a little to the east where there is FIRE elements.
Watch out for the "Feign Death" these guys do. Was all prepared to catch him by swapping to my turnip for the last action on it and it feigned and called another pet! Never seen this move from a pet, can't wait to find my own rare to battle with!
did they change the respawn timer? I was battling these to get a rare skittering cavern crawler and after a while none were left, whereas the first time I battled these a while ago I couldn't keep up with the spawnrate...
got my rare on the second try, unfortunately, there was a rare spider to, but opted for this one first, cute, in Skald in blades edge.
There are TONS of these guys at Skald, above Gruul's Lair--where you do the quest to plant the tree in the scalded land. Picked up the uncommon on fight seven. Got my rare after about 15 fights (some of which I forefeit to save time). He's a tough little guy, hits like a truck. My pets nearly died trying to capture him. He was weakened from 20 to 18 on capture. Still quite pleased. Happy hunting!
70.5 24.5 quite a few. 5.23 CST
Got my rare on 3 try right above Gruuls Lair in the scorched area.
I've been having an amazing day. Just got a rare Cat, rare Fledgling Nether Ray and a rare Scalded Basilisk Hatchling all in a row and all on my first try. *dances*
I found my Basilisk Hatchling just north of Gruul's lair as well.
These are all found with in the area right above Gruuls Layer. They are all over the scorched land there, respawn fast and are in no way a rare find. You can easily run from one to the other on your hunt for a rare.
They tend to be buddied up with critters/beasts like rabbits, spiders, marrots and squorpids, along with the zone only cavern crawler so have something along that can also tend with them.
Great place to level pets as well with the fast respawn in a small area.
Like all the other comments, the Skald area has lots of these. However, for those that use coords like me, they are at 71.4, 21.3