Silithid Mini-Tank

Silithid Mini-Tank
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
3 allowed
Patch 7.3.5 | Posted: January 15, 2018
The Silithid Mini-Tank has a chance to drop from the rare elite silithids in the level 110 area in Silithus (The Wound).
As with other rare elites, each can be looted only once per day per character.
As with other rare elites, each can be looted only once per day per character.
Level 0:

1-12 of 12
1-12 of 12

Got it first attempt off Qroshekx after getting the way point off here so thank you. Really happy with my new pet and its needed for the new dungeon.
As Creeper said, this pet is extremaly powerful with Exposed Wounds + Swarm. With this moveset it can literally DESTROY almost everything. HIGHLY recommended, especially against undeads as well as aquatics and flying. MUST have !!!!
Extremely powerful pet, being ( aswell as Ikky and Raptor Pets ) one of the only pets able to Swarm + Exposed Wounds ( Black Claw for Raptors & Ikky ). He can destroy Over-Used Undeads ( Bone Serpent & co ) and is, in my opinion, a Must-Have Pet. It's moveset would be :
Claw ( If you want to destroy Critters ) / Scratch ( Undead destruction )
Exposed Wounds
Have a nice day :)
Completely lucked out and had Qroshekx spawn right on top of me. Yay Mini Tank!
So the RNG gods are pleased with me tonight- headed down with an eye on farming this pet along with completing the quests- all 3 were up, and I got the pet from 2 of the 3. It's 230 server time
You have to kill Argus in lfr or higher to be able to see the zone in it's new state and to be able to see the rares that drop him.
This is the only non raptor pet to have Exposed Wounds. Pair this ability with
Swarm and Scratch to wreak havoc on Undead pets.
You must kill Argus (in LFR or higher) in order to see the sword in Silithus. Once you see the sword, the three rare spawns spawn in the northwest, northeast, and south. They are on a quick respawn timer but can only be looted once per day, per character. The Mini-Tank has a chance to drop from any of them. Besides the pet, other rewards for killing them include: 70-100 Order Resources, Valient's Glory (AP Token), and Curious Coins.
These rares are associated with three different silithid hives:
Qroxhekx with Hive'Ashi. I found him at /way 57, 12.
Ssinkrix with Hive'Regal. I found him at /way 55, 80.
Xaarshej with Hive'Zora. I found him at /way 29, 34.
Although you can't loot them more than once a day, I think the respawn rate is fast- Ssinkrix respawned a couple minutes after I killed him. This will be nice for high population servers.
I have only killed each rare once. I got 70 class hall resources from each.
For those wondering if the rare spawn reset for loot is daily or weekly, it is in fact daily. I just picked up my pet after two daily resets. If you didn't receive loot on the second day or any day after it is because each rare can potentially not drop anything. Hope that helps some of you!
I seem to be having the same problem. Killed them on patch day, can't loot the next day.
Anyone else not see a reset on the 3 drop mobs for Jan 17th? Are these daily or weekly resets?