Silithid Hatchling

Idles about and jumps to the side.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
This wild pet can be found in The Gaping Chasm and The Noxious Lair in Tanaris. It only spawns during sandstorms.
Level 0:

Silithid Hatchling, Baby Ape, and Arctic Fox Kit are weather dependent, only spawning during sandstorms, rain, or snow respectively. I had my Vulpera camp out for them. For the Silithid Hatchling, I had him camp out by one of the two horrible pits. Just checked before and after playing my other characters mostly, took me less than a week to log in during a sandstorm and catch a few. Did the same thing for the Baby Ape later when I found out about its similar conditions. The beach was much nicer.
FINALLY after camping this pet off and on for literally years I got it tonight! I sat here about 2 hours tonight and was about to log when the sandstorm happened. I took the first hatchling I saw to get the achieve, but kept looking for a blue one. Took 30 minutes to find a blue. They respawn fast. The sandstorm was still going after an hour. It was 9:30pm ST on Mok'Nathal when sandstorm came.
I was in Tanaris looking for battle pets. Just as I was about to get off, a sandstorm randomly started. I rushed over to the spot where the Silithid Hatchlings are, and I managed to get 3 rares. I got them around 3pm CST.
Finally got this at 1:47am GMT! I've been camping for days for hours at a time and I logged on just to check while I was playing other games. Really beating myself up about that :')
After 5 days of on and off camping for a sandstorm I finally got one! I also made a custom group and 7 people joined on and off before the storm ended. Happy I could help people and love my new little guy! Named him Patience, lol. Just wanted to say don't give up camping for one and the storms last longer than I was expecting like close to 30 mins! Also, please make a custom group if you do run into a sandstorm you never know who might be searching the customs for a sandstorm group :)
Sandstorm now in Tanaris on Malorne server, WM off!
Logged in 2.08PM Skywall server time Loc. 55.68 and got a level 13 grey. Plopped a stone on its B/B butt.Â
Just logged on to my alt that was stationed in Tanaris. Looked rather dusty so I checked "The Gaping Chasm" and found xnothing. CHecked "The Noxious Lair" and found several out. Grabbed 2: a uncommon H/H and a rare B/B. I'm a happy camper.
Sandstorm right now on Area 52
Just got mine, it is almost 1PM ST
Someone else mentioned they captured their silithid from a sandstorm at 2am, same time frame with mine (today is now technically Friday), if that's worth anything. Spawn rates were quick, like others mentioned, and I found a rare within 10 minutes.
Got mine a couple days ago while doing the Candy Bucket run for Hallow's End. Flying over I noticed spawns, did not see a sandstorm though. Could only find a green, cancelled battles for commons and poors to allow for any other pet hunters that came by. I'll use a stone on this one for sure, now to get the darn minfernal.
Logged on to my server, Smolderthorn (Horde) at around 2 am and behold - after weeks of checking, there were finally dual sandstorms over both silithid areas of Tanaris. Battled basically every hatchling I could find - didn't manage to get one rare. Oh well. People on this site tend to be too negative about just grabbing a poor or common and stoning it. I have no pride regarding this subject. I'm a parent, time is precious, my WoW time is increasingly a rare commodity, and if spending 15 charms saves an hour of fruitless searching for a rare, so be it.
I suggest you leave an alt in one of the pits and check back on it from time to time. I did this for several days before I got lucky with my brother saying there is a storm up. I got mine @ Lightbringer EU on a thursday at 19:58 server time. I read someone else had also witnessed a sandstorm on a thursday around 19:00. So it might be worth checking out. Best of luck!
I found realm hopping to be a successful way to find a sandstorm. Good luck everyone still looking for a Silithid Hatchling.
This was the only pet standing between me and the 'World Safari' achievement. While I was working on quests in Uldum, I ran over to Tanaris every 30-45 min. It took 2 days to catch a sandstorm but I was the only one there so had the liberty of keeping the first one I caught (poor) and then continuing to battle 'til I found a rare. That took maybe 20 minutes. I will admit to making it easier by using the pet team I had for Uldum so I went through the lower level pets much more quickly.
I'm convinced that Sandstorms happen less frequently than would be convenient. Or at least inconventient if I actually live in Tanaris. Which I am doing until I get this pet!
I have recorded Tuesday and Thursday sandstorms starting at 19:00-20:00. See if this works for you.
Just got my Baby Ape (Rain) at Stranglethorn and decided it's time for Tanaris - camping out on an alt until something happens while I go blog, watch SVU or Dexter and wait. Pity I still have to wait till December 1st to get the Snowy Owl.Â
was just about to head back to garrison, when i noticed the sandstorm...went around killing poor quality bugs and got a rare and 2 uncommons, roughly 20-30 kills? wasn't counting :( woot! only one more pet for Kal Safari!