Mr. Grubbs

Mr. Grubbs
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Occasionally does somersaults over owner's head.
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Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 4.0.3 | Posted: November 23, 2010
Before being able to farm for this companion, players must complete a quest chain. This chain is started at the entrance of the Eastern Plaguelands (from Western Plaguelands) and is given by the NPC Fiona. See our Community Guide: Mr. Grubbs for details.

After completing the quests for Fionia and recieving her lucky buff, I farmed in Zul'Mashar in North-East EPL. On my 51st bag I got Mr. Grubbs. It was pretty good luck but still took over an hour. I tried a few other spots like the Undercroft, but the ZM spot was best by a wide margin. Happy hunting
He may look exactly like other grubs and maggots, but he's so athletic that he just makes me go "Awwww" every time he jumps! I almost wanna hug him and squeeze him... but I won't call him George. ;)
In all seriousness, he's also quite a good battle pet. He hits decently well and his speed is good too. I just keep him on the default skill set and that's usually enough to deal with most encounters.
2/3 characters I have got this pet just while questing in the zone :P
It's very powerful, easily taking on enemies some levels higher than it. Worth grinding for IMO, if you dont get it just by questing.
Just got 2 of them for 20 gold in the AH. So luck!
I got this little guy on my account just while questing in the zone. I am now trying to get him for my husband. After 3 hours and 2 levels gained just from killing mobs (no quest turn ins at all!), still no luck! I am gonna take a break and try again tomorrow... Maybe.
this pet is highly underestimated.At lvl 21 is amazing against undead and solo'd stitches and others in menagerie
I am rarely this lucky, but I got mine on my second kill! I was all settled in to be here for some time and Bam! I don't expect to be that fortunate again for a while. :) Good luck!
I found mine just off the road to the east of Corin's Crossing, the one thing I did notice was but no idea if it was just a coincidence, the grub that dropped it was moving much quicker than the others, he was moving back and forth at some speed and I somehow had a feeling he was the one after about half an hour :D
started at the Undercroft, killed 3 guys, first bag had Mr. Grubbs!
I got mine from Tyr's Hand afta abou 14 minutes.
I got mine off the mob at the Undercroft as many others have. The mobs spawn quickly, so don't be discouraged if you don't get one off the first bag you come across. Good luck!
Took me less than 10 minutes to get 2. I killed everything in Noxious Glade. The first Mr.Grubbs I got came from either the first or second bag that dropped for me. The last dropped maybe 4 bags later? Pretty high drop rate or I got lucky.
It took me less than an hour, here's how I did to actually farm "fast".
In the upper zone, there are huge corpses with 4-5 mages zapping at them, you go there, taunt, gather somehow all the guys and kill them 5 at the times, then loot once, and go to the next group. After doing 6 of those groups I got the good bag. It's fast cause the enemies are all close and you don't need to look around, and it allows to have them all together so you don't have to loot every single one.
Was getting annoyed after 35 mins of non stop farming for this little guy.. best advice i can give is go to Zul'Mashar in the North-Eastthe spawn rate is quite high for the mobs and is the best place. I opened at least 15-20 bags before i got him. Dont give up, he can be gotten but i would recommend that location for quicker farming... best of luck!
I wonder if any of you experimented with this.