Jungle Grub

Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

Yay finally got my rare Jungle grub <3
These Jungle Grubs are exclusively H/H and H/S.
I noticed that these are pretty low rated for battle. Â One combo that I like is the goo followed up by kun-li runts. Â Makes for a pretty devisating combo that doesn't allow people or npc to switch out dazed pets, which happends more than not with the runt.
Finally caught a rare of this little squishy guy at 23:35 Server time at Krasari Falls (29,33)
I will hug him and love him and call him George!
Yep, got a rare here too, didn't know they added that but that saves me a battlestone!
I can also confirm that rares are now available. Just now, got a LVL24 (bumped to 22 or course) Rare along with a Savory Beetle and Shore Crab. I was in Krasarang Cove when I got this. Yay, one more!
These are definately fixed now. I was using these guys due to the fast respawn and easy to solo battles as a way to lvl some lvl 21+ pets along side some low lvl pets (swapping in for 1 round) splitting the xp between the two and managed to get 2 rares here rather quickly.
Just found a blue one, so I guess it was fixed :)
Does anyone know if this has been fixed with patch 5.1? Can anyone confirm having gotten a rare after the patch?Â
I think Blizzard is trying to be funny here because if you think about what it says about the grub, it says they are little green grubs hence possibly why there are no rares. Â Just a thought. Â I guess Blizzard wasn't trying to be funny, they just had an unfixed bug :)
Really hurts to do this, but looks like I'm forced to add an uncommon to my collection here. Trying to stick to only following a pure collection with Rares, but this (and, apparently my poor Red Cricket) is affronting my retentiveness...not to mention that I probably cycled through a couple hundred of these before noticing the trend.
Ugh :/
>< after over 100 battles (I didn't notice they were all uncommon cuz I was on vent chatting it up)...finally caught on that something wa amiss, and checked here. /sigh oh well, I got the rares for everything else in the are so all good :D
Wow I feel retarded, was also trying for a rare and went through like 40 of them and finally look on here..no such rares exist xD at least i found a rare amethyst spider, mei lei sparkler, and seagull searching
by the way guys if you look on the battle info for this pet and look a the rarity of this pet there is only uncommon so this means there is no rare,poor or common
hope this helps:)
Really happy I checked these reviews out.
Today I decided to work on Pandaria Safari. I try to do rares only, though there are exeptions. Battled for about an hour today before coming here - all greys, commons and uncommons, not a single rare.
I have hunted for them before too and it was the same so I am inclined to believe that as of now, rares of these may not actually exist, that or they are super, double duper rare.
Three days hunting a rare and all I ever get is uncommon. I think its just that. No poor, no common and no rare. Just uncommon.
Same here... Â over 60 fights all were green (Uncommon). Â At least, I've leveled over 12 pets from 21-22 to 24.
Like all those before me, no rare to be found. I've currently checked over 300 of them, nothing.
OMG I just spent 2 days looking for rares in this area and just now looked up the jungle grub and none of you can find rares! I wasted 2 days of my life for nothing! Â =( Â I also can't find rares of the Luyu moth, or Mei Li Sparkler.... I better go settle for an uncommon and move on with my life...
No rares.. all uncommon Ive seen. Hunted a long time