Mudback Calf

Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.0.2 | Posted: October 14, 2014
Usually found near inland water near their larger Riverbeast counterparts in Gorgrond.

1-20 of 20
1-20 of 20

Got mine around Bastion Rise. there were none up so I started killing all the non combat ones and all the battle pet spawns around the area. after about 10 min of this a battle pet calf finally spawned at the edge of one of the lakes. poor quality but I'll take it lol.
Found mine in the small pond of Deeproot. Take the main road all the way down, just before Bastion Rise.
Follow comments/advice below and you will get yours
Just found a common one at Deeproot, at the pool near Tarina the Ageless! The only one I've found in the whole zone but at least I found one!
I was able to get mine nearĀ Tailthrasher Basin. I killed all the hippos including the level 1 Critters. I left to check another spawn near by and when I came back (10mins later) The lil' guy was there :3
I had a terrible time finding one of these even though I engaged every battlepet I came across in Evermorn. I *finally* found one but it was of poor quality. Under the theory of "a poor quality pet is better than none at all", I kept it. At the end of the fight, as somebody else mentioned, I got a battle stone and immediately upgraded it to rare so I'm doing the happy dance now!
Got mine after popping in and out - not a terribly hard farm. Evermorn Springs gave me an uncommon.
Spent a while looking for this guy. Finally found him just north of Bastion Rise. Their were 2 the first was a poor, but I got lucky the second one I found was a rare.
Couple around pool at 40.3 76.5 ( The Fertile Ground). get off at Beastwatch & head SouthWest.
After reading comments on here, I went over to Evermorn Springs, there was just ONE in the pool there, and it was a rare, I couldn't believe it! About the best luck I've had so far :)
Finally got mine after scouring the zone for 3 hours. Was right outside of a cave entrance at Evermorn Springs in Grogrond. There was one taunting me that was underwater, but then a second one spawned to the left of the cave entrance (Left side if you are looking at the entrance.)
Fiound a gray one at Tailthrasher Basin (46.37, 90.18). Very cute and he is a tough cookie.
I was able to find between 3-5 at a time at both Deeproot (north of Bastion Rise) and the northern pool at Evermorn Springs. I saw several uncommon and snagged a rare as well. Best of luck!
I spent a half hour riding around half the zone, so I took everyone's advice and just captured the first one i came across. When the battle was complete, the game gave me a flawless beast battle-stone, which was promptly put on the pet.
This pet has a certain cuteness about it!
This may be a pet you want to use a stone on. I spent almost an hour trying to force respawns at Bastion Rise by killing all the non-battle pet calves and hippos around the water hole, and battle pets never spawned. It is nice that there's a flight path that drops you right at the edge of the pool there. Good luck hunting.
Every possible spawn point I checked for these had nothing but critter versions, except for the pool below the cliff along the south edge of Deadgrin, around 40.7 x 75.6. There were several wild battle versions spawned there.
i found mine at 47,56 88,23 far away from the markers on the location map
I got mine near Bastion Rise in Deeproot near the water (48, 88).Ā They seem very scarse, at Everbloom there were 2 up, both poor quality, where I got mine, there was 1 and luckily it was rare (if it hadn't been, I probably would have used a stone on it).
I searched for some time before I finally found this guy in Evermorn Springs. There was only one and I have yet to see them as battle pets anywhere else. He was also poor but, I plan to upgrade with a stone.
Found these guys in the shallow pools near their mamas in gorgrond can confirm near highland calfling in "deeproot" (southern tip of area) and one near Evermore springs. I didnt see many of them, wondering if they are like giraffe calf? Ive seen one in h/p and one in h/s one common and the other poor quality.