Sand Kitten

Yawns, sits, and lies down.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
Emoting /sit while targeting it will cause it to walk over, jump onto your lap and lie down. This pet will sit on top of a summoned Pilfered Sweeper toy.
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

I caught my sand kitten as a secondary west of Dunemaul Compound with no sandstorm! Â
While looking for the Whelpling outside the Caverns of Time I came across a couple of these Sand Kittens I put him in a battle slot right away to start leveling and it is a great battle pet.  I actually got two Sand Kitten -P/S  and  Sand Kitten -  S/S (might have to upgrade this one to rare)
I named mine Raw Rawz because he looks exaclty like my cat who died. My cats name was Rodgers but my family called him Raw Rawz
After about 5 battles of various pets I got a rare ninja (s/s) Sand Kitten south of Gagetzan Secondary to Stripe-Tailed Scorpid (50.77 37.85)
There are 17 different feline beasts with identical movesets. The only difference (battle wise) is the breed. For the 4 cats that have a breed choice, only the Sand Kitten and the Snow Cub cannot be mimicked by any other breed. The Cheetah Cub is the fastest with 390 speed. The most powerful is the Cornish Rex Cat with 341 power. The healthiest is the B/B Snow Cub with 1481 health. The amount of health restored from using Devour increases with power.
I had NO idea I had gotten so lucky! Right after pet battles were introduced, I was hunting for a rare Infinite Whelpling outside the Caverns of Time. While waiting for them to respawn I flew out a ways and started battling other wild pets. When I saw my first Sand Kitten, which was also a rare, and trapped it. Today I find out he is an S/S. He has been my go-to pet since I first caught him. VERY effective pet. Great self healing.
Wow, talk about an underrated pet!! Cats have an awesome self-heal, and in fact, it's much better than another of my favorite pets, Chrominius, who only heals for 249. Cats heal for about 444 if you time Devour to kill the mob. I start with Rake, then Claw if the pet isn't low enough to kill with Devour, which hits twice. I frequently find my cat at 100% health at the end of the fight because of its strong heal. (My various cats are S/S)
Cought it as a secondary in south western Tanaris, no sandstorm needed, was night though.
Caught rare as a secondary to a desert spider north of Gadgetzan.Â
These can be a bit tricky to find around Tanaris. I only saw one roaming, but most of the time I would find a couple with other pets. That was the easiet route to get one for me.
First one I found was a rare. Second to a Gold Beetle.
8 hours spent battling in tanaris and still no rare sand kitten, have no longer got any pets below 7th level though and picked up 2 critter and 1 beast battlestones in the hunt so far, ah well this weekend the hunt will continue again.
LOL! Flying around Tanaris after battling a few pets I tabbed out of game to bounce here and check since the map said they were found all over the zone after reading all the comments I figure that I might run across one as a secondary during another pet battle so I tab back into game planning to start battling every pet I run across in hopes of getting a pretty kitty and holy smokes.. there's one circling right underneath my drake. LOL. Just a common, but I"ll take it. 10:37am on Eonar.
I need this pet for the crazy for cats achievement found was as a secondary with a  spider. It was rare over the moon ..
Found as a primary, uncommon S/S, 43 66 Tanaris, secondary was an UC Gold Beetle.Â
Quite happy as I've been waiting for a sandstorm for ages to get this lil kitty. Now to start poking around for a rare!
This pet should be rated much higher as a rare S/S. It can be used to singlehandedly power level pets in the area near BMAH, and it wrecks any critter pretty much anywhere. Devour lets it get 1/3+ of its HP back every kill if played at the right time, Rake is awesome opener, and it usually gets first attack as S/S.
I had seen one as primary in this area before. I was in the area and the sand was blowing, so I thought I would check it again. 51 80, primary, rare. Thank you.
Sitting there at 4am, really tired just leveling lowbies while wating for a sandstorm, mindlessly spamming my kun-lai runts rampage to put an end to those critters, looks up and realise that it has a blue SS sand kitten with it...i think *YAY*...kun-lai runt thinks *smash*...i named him Hodor after that cus hes so stupid.
Watch out for the several-round abilitys should u be tunnelvisioning as i did
i found my rare as a 2nd with a sea gull on small island SE of cavern of time. there's a little gnome on the island. sorry forgot to check coordinates
Tbh ive hunted this pet for a rare specimen for a long time battling all pets in the entire zone and my two theories are
1: irl many desert creatures are nocturnal and ive noticed the % rate of getting sandy kitty as 2nd pet is way higher after midnight server than daytime.
2: description says kept as pets once from trolls and i tend to see the kitty as secondary much more often close to troll ruins in the south.
the gadgetzan theory some mention hasnt worked for me.
Based on 40h+huntÂ