Black Tabby Cat

Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Yawns, sits, and lies down.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)

Cat Carrier (Black Tabby)
Item Level 20
Binds when used
Use: Right Click to summon and dismiss your cat.
Sell Price: 15
This pet was formerly known as 'Maine Coon'. Prior to The Shattering, this pet could only be looted by horde as they dropped from the Dalaran Spellscribe, a rare mob that was friendly to alliance. Horde also had a chance of obtaining it from a Dalaran Shield Guard, Dalaran Theurgist, and Dalaran Summoner in the Alterac Mountains. These mobs have since been removed.
After Patch 4.0.3, the Black Tabby was relocated to Hillsbrad Foothills as a zone drop, making it more accessible for alliance.
If Stinker the skunk is nearby, he will fall in love with the Black Tabby and chase it around.

Does this drop from any humanoid in the zone? I've been farming the stormpike engineers and murlocs exclusively for this but have found that the density and respawn rate of the cave yetis is great. Just wasn't sure if they drop it since everyone talks about the engineers and murlocs.
does this have the same weird shifting loot tables as the disgusting oozeling does now the levels have been squished, and chromie time is a thing?
So so many murdered knolls and naga...FINALLY got it to drop after 10475 kills...and another 500+ on a horde toon...This was too much...but it's over...
I'm just curious. Why does the cat carrier that teaches you the pet sell for more than the Black Tabby Cat itself in the auction house? Once you click on the carrier, it's the exact same pet, right? Is this similar to how collectible items IRL that haven't been opened sell for more than ones that have been? I'm just trying to figure this out.
This finally dropped for me today and earned my achievement crazy for cats at 4824 attempts, I am a rogue so slow going but ran the murlocs, infested bears, spiders. gnolls and then some yetis and ogres which is where it dropped for me. good luck to those still hunting.
Is there a point to this pet? Sorry, it's such a rare drop...but (if I understand it correctly) isn't actually a pet you'd use in any Pet Battle...why would people pay so much for this?
ÂFinally had this pet dropp for me today. It's the first time in about twelve years that I've seen it drop, and I wasn't even trying to get it. I was running around Hillbrad completing quests and when I got back to Tarren Mill to hand in/sell/repair/etc before logging for the evening, there it was in my bags.
I must have been really lucky because I got this pet quite wasily. I farmed the Murlocs with my level 25 Orc warrior. I went from one end of the beach to the other and back again. I only did this about three times and it dropped after only about an hour.
Just got mine by farming Storm Pike Engineers at 'Gavins Naze'Â -- ÂÂ
They have a fast respawn rate (about 25-30s secs) so you can just run around, and in between the siege/tank things that the engineers are working on. It took me about 850 kills for mine to drop.Â
From reading comments below im thinking i have been incredibly lucky to have it drop so quickly. Farmed for 60-90 mins.Â
Got it after 3082 kills (at Galvin's Nest)! So happy I finally got around to farming it :)
Started farming at 3:00 AM EST (it's the best time as from experience the chance you'll see another player is low) I got it on my 3,731st kill. It took me about 3 hours of killing. But the grind wasn't terrible.
Breed / Capturing Guide :
Of the 17 cat types within this moveset, this is the only option for the HP breed.
TThank you guys! I've found mine on te beach, so happy with BTC. Looting all those murlocs did also give a lot of 'thick murloc scale'. Sells pretty good on the AH.
It took me almost 3 hours of slaughtering everything at Gavin's but I got mine. Woohoo! :DÂ
Thank you for all the tips, they really helped a lot. :D
There are 17 different feline beasts with identical movesets. The only difference (battle wise) is the breed. For the 4 cats that have a breed choice, only the Sand Kitten and the Snow Cub cannot be mimicked by any other breed. The Cheetah Cub is the fastest with 390 speed. The most powerful is the Cornish Rex Cat with 341 power. The healthiest is the B/B Snow Cub with 1481 health. The amount of health restored from using Devour increases with power.
I decided to start farming this so I headed over to hillsbrad. Thought this was a zonewide drop but rarity only counts the humanoids and wild cats....hmmmm.
I would suspect it would depend on your class's AOE ability, but the Engineers up at Gavin's Naze (the ones working on the seige vehicles) have a ridiculously fast respawn rate and there are about 20 of them. Â A couple hours of that, I got the Black Tabby Cat. Â 3314 kills. Â I know that's a bit of a lucky percentage drop for this, but mowing through these engineers is the way to go for farming this pet.
I have to thank Breanni for putting this up at the black market auction house. I just camped at the BMAH in Nagrand for hours so I can outbid others right away and got this for just a little above 4,000 gold, which also gave me the title Crazy Cat Lady! Yahoo! :)
Does Murlocks still drop this? Rarity dont count them and they are not mentioned on wowhead. Can see that ppl are still farming murlocks so just wondering?
I'm at 28,000 kills and no drop yet! Using 1-(1-P)^n, I'm in that lucky 3% of people this will happen to. With the Engineers and occasional hopping, I can kill as many as 2100/hour with moonfire spam, which is the best group for kills/hour in Hillsbrad. I also spent ten hours killing Infected Sludge Guards just south of the Engineers, which nets around 1200/hour. Murlocks are far slower than that. The Tabby is 35k-70k on my server. I had a dream I got the Tabby, but that's the closest I've been.