
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Howls, sniffs the ground, sits and scratches its chin with its foot.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 9.1.0 | Posted: June 29, 2021
Upon unlocking Covenant Assaults on The Maw, players will need to wait for a Kyrian Assault. During this ~3 day event (assaults rotate) speak with Orator Kloe in The Maw to begin the search for Sly.
Find Sly 3 times to complete the achievement. He can only be found once per assault per character, so completing the achievement will require multiple Kyrian Assaults.
After completing the achievement, Orator Kloe will mail the pet.
Find Sly 3 times to complete the achievement. He can only be found once per assault per character, so completing the achievement will require multiple Kyrian Assaults.
After completing the achievement, Orator Kloe will mail the pet.
Level 0:

1-3 of 3
1-3 of 3

This can be a little confusing. First time of trying for Sly. I followed what is said here. First was hard to see the foot prints but once seen, easy to find Sly. I followed the prints back and turned in the quest. As I was still doing the assult quests, both the foxes were still following me around. Once in awhile Sly would dissapear, but then return. I realized as long as the buff was on me, I still had the foxes. Now I just need to wait for the next assult and the one after that.
....this just inĀ - it's cageable! Time to revisit the Maw on my alts...
This pet is obtained during the Kyrian assault. Speak to Orator Kloe (42.2, 44.49). You need to find Sly 3 total times, meaning you need to do this for 3 different Kyrian assaults, and each time Sly will be in a different spot.
When you speak with Orator Kloe (42.2, 44.49) she will give you a buff called Sharp Eye. You will then want to follow the footprints on the ground leading to Sly. If you don't follow the footprints, and simply run to the coords, he will not be there.