
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Howls, sniffs the ground, sits and scratches its chin with its foot.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 9.0.2 | Posted: October 13, 2020
Players must find, target, and emote at the Playful Vulpin 5 times to obtain this pet.
This NPC has multiple spawn points and may not always be up.
- /curious
- /sit
- /sing
- /dance
- /pet
This NPC has multiple spawn points and may not always be up.
Level 0:

1-5 of 5
1-5 of 5

I just got him today after having taken the time to get him lol. I found that the youtube locations that these people have found him aren't really exact its really random. I recommend getting the map of his locations and flying around to them.
Got Dodger today. Says you are alowed to have three. Not sure if he spawns again for the same toon or if you can catch him multiple times with different toons? He is currently selling on my realm AH for 99k. It might be worth the effort to farm him for gold? Update: Once you catch Dodger on your toon you will need to capture him on a different toon if you want more than one.
Got mine tonight. I can verify that the sequence of interaction is the same as listed on main info page. Split the running around to 2 days. Will be a lot easier to do once we get flying ability. Reminds me of running around to get Alpaca mount in Uldum.
I split up this hunt over a couple of days which may be helpful if you get tired of looking in one session. I found the playful vulpin twice near Renard's den but not twice in a row. The comments on Wowhead are very helpful for coordinates and suggestions.
Finally found him. Started interacting with him. Tabbed out to see what to respond with after he started digging. When I came back and typed in /curious, it said "You startle the Playful Vulpin". He fainted and despawned.
Update - I did not realize that you can only interact with him once per encounter. So that was normal. Thought I had killed him. But you have to find him 5 times to catch him.