
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Looks about and scratches. Occasionally butt-scoots and sniffs the trail it leaves behind.
Vocalizations (periodic and on-click)
1 allowed
Patch 7.0.3 | Posted: August 2, 2016
It's so FLUFFY! is a rare Order Hall mission.
This mission takes 12 hours, costs 150 Order Resources, and requires 3 level 110 Champions with 760 item level.
This mission takes 12 hours, costs 150 Order Resources, and requires 3 level 110 Champions with 760 item level.
1-8 of 8
1-8 of 8

I ALWAYS use this guy for capturing pets. Superbark works great and it works on any level of pet. I put a pet I'm leveling in slot one, Corg in slot 2 with superbark, and then a reliable pet like Graves in slot 3 just in case. Been doing this since Legion and it works every time.
Got him today, have 7 followers, most of them 850+ (I think?) and I saw the rare quest pop up in my list and I just had to get him.
I got this one yesterday. I have 5 champions, all max level & all max geared at 850. I have not yet maxed out artifact weapon, nor have I completed my class campaign. I suspect that the quest is tied to your champions' levels & gear, rather than the player's gear, progression, etc. I'm curious to see if others' experiences confirm or disprove my theory.
This class hall quest is just not popping for me, and i have 5 max level toons :( He is so cute, I can't wait till it shows up ^_^
Here I thought was in reference to the Minions "it's so fluffy"! At any rate, I love these corgis as I have one and these are pretty close to the real thing!
Keep the corgis coming!
this quest is in reference to a youtube video "He's so fluffy"
Love him,
stands there yipping its great!!!!
He also does the butt shuffle, then err snifs the ground
Hopefully, unlike Zwei, (the dog from RWBY), his package is slightly bigger. And has more food.