Corgi Pup

Corgi Pup
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Looks about and scratches. Occasionally butt-scoots and sniffs the trail it leaves behind.
Vocalizations (periodic and on-click)
Limited time only.
3 allowed
Patch 7.0.3 | Posted: August 2, 2016
This pet first appeared during WoW's 12th Anniversary Event in 2016.
It's purchasable only during a WoW Anniversary Event.
The vendor changed to Historian Ma'di during WoW's 15th Anniversary Event (2019).
It's purchasable only during a WoW Anniversary Event.
The vendor changed to Historian Ma'di during WoW's 15th Anniversary Event (2019).
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1-11 of 11

During this year's anniversary (15th) the
Corgi Pup is available to buy from Historian Ma'di instead of Historian Ju'pa. She is at 50.73, 40.90 inside Caverns of Time.
In case someone is looking at this right now, you can buy the Corgi during the 13 year event, it looks like it will be here every event going forward for 200 timewalking badges.
QQ I just got my computer running after missing the event. Hope you 19% enjoy your corgi!
Why does my breed addon defines his breed as "new" instead of the regular speed, power, health and ballance categories?
It seems that you can currently get the Corgi Pup even if you don't have access to a mailbox. Answer the daily quest from the historian and you will get 25 Timewarped Badges. The pet costs 200 Badges.
I don't know if this quest option will be available after the anniversary event ends. I am currently doing this on level 20 chars. I'm assuming a level 1 char would also work. The Stormwind historian, Llore, is in the castle library, near Harrison Jones. Horde: Ju'pa, Orgrimmar, Valley of Spirits.
@Norvel: Never underestimate the value of a Cute Face :) I've used that ability with great success on Brightpaw, but it shares the 3rd slot with Prowl, which is also very powerful. Now I can watch the Puppy Parade with my Cute Face on ;)
Stats: 1400hp, 260p, 325s
Hopped for something more interesting esthetic-, stat- and move-wise.
::cries:: And I'm deployedwith internet bad enough to not be able to log in for several more months. I'm going to miss this and whatever new Winterveil toy comes out. On top of having already missed the pre-Legion launch stuff...ah well, everyone enjoy their corgis! :)
Looks like they expect the WoW 12th Anniversary to be Nov 18th - 30th
corgies are the best
I gotta say, while adorable, this feels like a step down from the burning doom version we got last time.