Copperfur Kit

Howls, sniffs the ground, sits and scratches its chin with its foot.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 9.0.2 | Posted: October 13, 2020
Level 0:

1-6 of 6
1-6 of 6

Best breeds : P/B, S/B
This guy delivers some HUGE hits. Click Howl first, then Prowl, and then attack with either Scratch (vs. Undead) or Bite (vs. Critters). They melt away! He reminds me of a Beast version of the Iron Starlette.
Got mine in a secondary battle, with a Fluttering Glimmerfly (40.25 , 60.50 )
Found one as a secondary pet when battling a Wild Etherwyrm near the Forge of Zephyr in Bastion.
There is a small grove of trees with sleeping prowlers that have place holder non battleable and primary battle pets along the road in front of the Temple of Humility, diagonal across from the sign post where Heraclor wanders. 60.41
Found a little group at 42;62 in Bastion. There were 2 or 3 kits you could target.