Arctic Fox Kit

Sniffs the ground. Sits and scratches its chin with its foot.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
This wild pet only spawns when it's snowing in the Storm Peaks.

anyone seen snow? i am still farming multiple times a dayÂ
It's snowing in the Stormpeaks now. 1:09 PM PST, 12/18/24. Just like the others said - when they're present, there's a bunch of them.
Arctic Fox Kit, Baby Ape, and Silithid Hatchling are all weather dependent, only spawning during snow, rain, or sandstorms respectively. I had my Vulpera camp out for them at separate times, but you could use more toons to do it faster. For the Arctic Fox Kit, I camped out on a mountain and flew around for a sec to check my minimap for pets, I noticed the pawprints before the actual snow. Just checked before and after playing my other characters mostly, took me maybe 3 days. Good luck!Â
Sure as anything, logged in to check and it was snowing in Storm Peaks and there were Arctic Fox Kit everywhere. BOOM got a rare on the first try!Â
snowing in storm peaks right now on Frostwolf. 8/31/21 6:12 pacific time.
YAY! *finally* got mine! Took about 20 tries to get a rare. whew!
I spent over a year trying to get him. After getting the Nexus Whelpling today I thought I would swimg by Storm Peaks. I landed and it was snowing! I'm so happy! I just got him!Â
There are 15 or so showing now it is 5:25 am on aggramar server.
Snowing right now on Malorne server!
UPDATE: It is 1:38 am and no longer snowing. :-(
UPDATE: It's still snowing here right now and I spotted another. I stopped to check it out and it is a BLUE! Yay!!!
Just flying through the area doing the BFA Hati quest. Flew over and noticed one on the ground. I already have one but knew how hard they are to find, so I stopped and caught this one. It was only gray, so I don't need it, but it was amazing to find it so easity. Eldre'Thalas 1:00 am EST
Spent weeks camping this guy. I saw it snow several times but no arctic fox kits were to be found. I was in warmode. Then, I parked my dk at K3, not in warmode. Finally, I logged on to see it snowing and there were 5 arctic fox kits in the area! The snow lasted for over an hour. Most were white and gray, but found a couple of green ones too. Warmode may definitely affect how these spawn, so experiment with going to Storm Peaks with it off.
Flew into Storm Peaks at 11:50 at night to find it snowing (first time I have EVER seen it snow in years.
Flew around in circles for 25 mins until 12:15, when the snow stopped.
Not a sinlge fox to be found.
So either it no longer exists or it doesn't spawn EVERYTIME it snows.
Or it only spawns in the first few mins of it snowing.
Wasn't snowing for a week. Snowing today (Aug 30/2019) @11PM EST got a rare @ 48,57. Fox kits everywhere. Â
It’s snowing throughout the entire zone, not a fox kit to be found.  I officially give up.
Snowing in Wyrmrest Accord rn near K3
It's snowing right now in baelgun got an uncommon I'm still looking for my rare
So hunting for this pet to finish off the Northrend achievement, and I had a quesiton with regards to the snow effect. Does it snow across the zone, or will it snow in small sections of the zone? I want to make sure I am maximizing my chances, so if it does snow in a particular part of Storm Peaks, is there a way to know where it is snowing? Â
I feel like this was a complete miss on Blizzard's part, making it weather-dependant, but I must have it so here I sit :P
Got this beauty in about 10 minutes! It's not snowing, but they are scattered about. I never once found an uncommon, but I got lucky and found a rare at 41.11, 83.35 - right near K3.
Just logged onto snow, but the zone was flush with them! I managed to snag an Uncommon and finally complete Northrend Safari. Â Saw one or two other people who could have been farming so wasn't suprised I didn't see a rare.
I just found 2... no snow insight. I've been waiting for this pet to get "Zookeeper" for a long time. Best advice, just keep checking back. :))))Â
**NOTICE** For those chasing  [Arctic Fox Kit]. They are scattered throughout Storm Peaks right now!! It is NOT snowing, but they are there. Varying between Poor & Uncommon.Â